Jeremiah 22:5 Cross References
Jeremiah 22:5
5: But if you refuse to pay attention to this warning, I swear by my own name, says the LORD, that this palace will become a pile of rubble.'"
Hebrews 6:13
- For example, there was God's promise to Abraham. Since there was no one greater to swear by, God took an oath in his own name, saying:
Amos 6:8
- The Sovereign LORD has sworn by his own name, and this is what he, the LORD God Almighty, says: "I despise the pride and false glory of Israel, and I hate their beautiful homes. I will give this city and everything in it to their enemies."
Genesis 22:16
- "This is what the LORD says: Because you have obeyed me and have not withheld even your beloved son, I swear by my own self that
Jeremiah 17:27
- " `But if you do not listen to me and refuse to keep the Sabbath holy, and if on the Sabbath day you bring loads of merchandise through the gates of Jerusalem just as on other days, then I will set fire to these gates. The fire will spread to the palaces, and no one will be able to put out the roaring flames.'"
Deuteronomy 32:40
- Now I raise my hand to heaven and declare, "As surely as I live,
- when I sharpen my flashing sword and begin to carry out justice, I will bring vengeance on my enemies and repay those who hate me.
- I will make my arrows drunk with blood, and my sword will devour flesh--the blood of the slaughtered and the captives, and the heads of the enemy leaders."'
2 Chronicles 7:19
- "But if you abandon me and disobey the laws and commands I have given you, and if you go and worship other gods,
Numbers 14:28
- Now tell them this: `As surely as I live, I will do to you the very things I heard you say. I, the LORD, have spoken!
- You will all die here in this wilderness! Because you complained against me, none of you who are twenty years old or older and were counted in the census
- will enter the land I swore to give you. The only exceptions will be Caleb son of Jephunneh and Joshua son of Nun.
Micah 3:12
- So because of you, Mount Zion will be plowed like an open field; Jerusalem will be reduced to rubble! A great forest will grow on the hilltop, where the Temple now stands.
2 Chronicles 7:22
- And the answer will be, `Because his people abandoned the LORD, the God of their ancestors, who brought them out of Egypt, and they worshiped other gods instead. That is why he brought all these disasters upon them.'"
Jeremiah 39:8
- Meanwhile, the Babylonians burned Jerusalem, including the palace, and tore down the walls of the city.
Amos 8:7
- Now the LORD has sworn this oath by his own name, the Pride of Israel: "I will never forget the wicked things you have done!
- The earth will tremble for your deeds, and everyone will mourn. The land will rise up like the Nile River at floodtime, toss about, and sink again.
Jeremiah 26:6
- then I will destroy this Temple as I destroyed Shiloh, the place where the Tabernacle was located. And I will make Jerusalem an object of cursing in every nation on earth.'"
- The priests, the prophets, and all the people listened to Jeremiah as he spoke in front of the LORD's Temple.
- But when Jeremiah had finished his message, saying everything the LORD had told him to say, the priests and prophets and all the people at the Temple mobbed him. "Kill him!" they shouted.
- "What right do you have to prophesy in the LORD's name that this Temple will be destroyed like Shiloh? What do you mean, saying that Jerusalem will be destroyed?" And all the people threatened him as he stood in front of the Temple.
Psalms 95:11
- So in my anger I made a vow: `They will never enter my place of rest.'"
Jeremiah 7:13
- While you were doing these wicked things, says the LORD, I spoke to you about it repeatedly, but you would not listen. I called out to you, but you refused to answer.
- So just as I destroyed Shiloh, I will now destroy this Temple that was built to honor my name, this Temple that you trust for help, this place that I gave to you and your ancestors.
Hebrews 6:17
- God also bound himself with an oath, so that those who received the promise could be perfectly sure that he would never change his mind.
Isaiah 1:20
- But if you keep turning away and refusing to listen, you will be destroyed by your enemies. I, the LORD, have spoken!"
Hebrews 3:18
- And to whom was God speaking when he vowed that they would never enter his place of rest? He was speaking to those who disobeyed him.