Jeremiah 22:23 Cross References
Jeremiah 22:23
23: It may be nice to live in a beautiful palace lined with lumber from the cedars of Lebanon, but soon you will cry and groan in anguish--anguish like that of a woman about to give birth.
Jeremiah 6:24
- We have heard reports about the enemy, and we are weak with fright. Fear and pain have gripped us, like that of a woman about to give birth.
Jeremiah 4:30
- What are you doing, you who have been plundered? Why do you dress up in your most beautiful clothing and jewelry? Why do you brighten your eyes with mascara? It will do you no good! Your allies despise you and will kill you.
- I hear a great cry, like that of a woman giving birth to her first child. It is the cry of Jerusalem's people gasping for breath, pleading for help, prostrate before their murderers.
Jeremiah 22:6
- Now this is what the LORD says concerning the royal palace: "You are as beloved to me as fruitful Gilead and the green forests of Lebanon. But I will destroy you and leave you deserted, with no one living within your walls.
Hosea 7:14
- They do not cry out to me with sincere hearts. Instead, they sit on their couches and wail. They cut themselves, begging foreign gods for crops and prosperity.
Habakkuk 2:9
- "How terrible it will be for you who get rich by unjust means! You believe your wealth will buy security, putting your families beyond the reach of danger.
Amos 9:2
- "Even if they dig down to the place of the dead, I will reach down and pull them up. Even if they climb up into the heavens, I will bring them down.
Jeremiah 30:5
- "This is what the LORD says: I have heard the people crying; there is only fear and trembling.
- Now let me ask you a question: Do men give birth to babies? Then why do they stand there, ashen-faced, hands pressed against their sides like women about to give birth?
Jeremiah 21:13
- I will fight against this city of Jerusalem that boasts, "We are safe on our mountain! No one can touch us here."
Obadiah 1:4
- Though you soar as high as eagles and build your nest among the stars, I will bring you crashing down. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Jeremiah 50:4
- "Then the people of Israel and Judah will join together," says the LORD, "weeping and seeking the LORD their God.
- They will ask the way to Jerusalem and will start back home again. They will bind themselves to the LORD with an eternal covenant that will never again be broken.
Jeremiah 48:28
- "You people of Moab, flee from your cities and towns! Live in the caves like doves that nest in the clefts of the rocks.
Hosea 5:15
- Then I will return to my place until they admit their guilt and look to me for help. For as soon as trouble comes, they will search for me."
- "Come, let us return to the LORD! He has torn us in pieces; now he will heal us. He has injured us; now he will bandage our wounds.
Zechariah 11:1
- Open your doors, Lebanon, so that fire may sweep through your cedar forests.
- Weep, you cypress trees, for all the ruined cedars; the tallest and most beautiful of them are fallen. Weep, you oaks of Bashan, as you watch the thickest forests being felled.
Numbers 24:21
- Then he looked over at the Kenites and prophesied: "You are strongly situated; your nest is set in the rocks.
Jeremiah 49:16
- You are proud that you inspire fear in others. And you are proud because you live in a rock fortress and hide high in the mountains. But don't fool yourselves! Though you live among the peaks with the eagles, I will bring you crashing down," says the LORD.
Jeremiah 3:21
- Voices are heard high on the windswept mountains, the weeping and pleading of Israel's people. For they have forgotten the LORD their God and wandered far from his ways.