Jeremiah 22:22 Cross References
Jeremiah 22:22
22: And now your allies have all disappeared with a puff of wind. All your friends have been taken away as captives. Surely at last you will see your wickedness and be ashamed.
Ezekiel 34:2
- "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds, the leaders of Israel. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: Destruction is certain for you shepherds who feed yourselves instead of your flocks. Shouldn't shepherds feed their sheep?
- You drink the milk, wear the wool, and butcher the best animals, but you let your flocks starve.
- You have not taken care of the weak. You have not tended the sick or bound up the broken bones. You have not gone looking for those who have wandered away and are lost. Instead, you have ruled them with force and cruelty.
- So my sheep have been scattered without a shepherd. They are easy prey for any wild animal.
- They have wandered through the mountains and hills, across the face of the earth, yet no one has gone to search for them.
Jeremiah 23:1
- "I will send disaster upon the leaders of my people--the shepherds of my sheep--for they have destroyed and scattered the very ones they were expected to care for," says the LORD.
- This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to these shepherds: "Instead of leading my flock to safety, you have deserted them and driven them to destruction. Now I will pour out judgment on you for the evil you have done to them.
Jeremiah 5:30
- "A horrible and shocking thing has happened in this land--
- the prophets give false prophecies, and the priests rule with an iron hand. And worse yet, my people like it that way! But what will you do when the end comes?
Hosea 13:15
- Ephraim was the most fruitful of all his brothers, but the east wind--a blast from the LORD--will arise in the desert. It will blow hard against the people of Ephraim, drying up their land. All their flowing springs and wells will disappear. Every precious thing they have will be plundered and carried away.
Jeremiah 12:10
- "Many rulers have ravaged my vineyard, trampling down the vines and turning all its beauty into a barren wilderness.
Jeremiah 10:21
- The shepherds of my people have lost their senses. They no longer follow the LORD or ask what he wants of them. Therefore, they fail completely, and their flocks are scattered.
Zechariah 11:17
- Doom is certain for this worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword will cut his arm and pierce his right eye! His arm will become useless, and his right eye completely blind!"
Isaiah 64:6
- We are all infected and impure with sin. When we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall. And our sins, like the wind, sweep us away.
Jeremiah 20:11
- But the LORD stands beside me like a great warrior. Before him they will stumble. They cannot defeat me. They will be shamed and thoroughly humiliated. Their dishonor will never be forgotten.
Jeremiah 2:8
- The priests did not ask, `Where is the LORD?' The judges ignored me, the rulers turned against me, and the prophets spoke in the name of Baal, wasting their time on nonsense.
Jeremiah 2:26
- "Like a thief, Israel feels shame only when she gets caught. Kings, officials, priests, and prophets--all are alike in this.
- To an image carved from a piece of wood they say, `You are my father.' To an idol chiseled out of stone they say, `You are my mother.' They turn their backs on me, but in times of trouble they cry out for me to save them!
Jeremiah 2:37
- In despair, you will be led into exile with your hands on your heads, for the LORD has rejected the nations you trust. You will not succeed despite their help.
Hosea 4:19
- So a mighty wind will sweep them away. They will die in shame because they offer sacrifices to idols.
Zechariah 11:8
- I got rid of their three evil shepherds in a single month. But I became impatient with these sheep--this nation--and they hated me, too.
Jeremiah 30:23
- Look! The LORD's anger bursts out like a storm, a driving wind that swirls down on the heads of the wicked.
- The fierce anger of the LORD will not diminish until it has finished all his plans. In the days to come, you will understand all this.
Jeremiah 4:11
- The time is coming when the LORD will say to the people of Jerusalem, "A burning wind is blowing in from the desert. It is not a gentle breeze useful for winnowing grain.
- It is a roaring blast sent by me! Now I will pronounce your destruction!"
- Our enemy rushes down on us like a storm wind! His chariots are like whirlwinds; his horses are swifter than eagles. How terrible it will be! Our destruction is sure!
Acts 7:51
- "You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? But your ancestors did, and so do you!
- Name one prophet your ancestors didn't persecute! They even killed the ones who predicted the coming of the Righteous One--the Messiah whom you betrayed and murdered.