Jeremiah 22:19 Cross References
Jeremiah 22:19
19: He will be buried like a dead donkey--dragged out of Jerusalem and dumped outside the gate!
Jeremiah 36:30
- Now this is what the LORD says about King Jehoiakim of Judah: He will have no heirs to sit on the throne of David. His dead body will be thrown out to lie unburied--exposed to hot days and frosty nights.
1 Kings 21:23
- The LORD has also told me that the dogs of Jezreel will eat the body of your wife, Jezebel, at the city wall.
- The members of your family who die in the city will be eaten by dogs, and those who die in the field will be eaten by vultures."
2 Chronicles 36:6
- Then King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and captured it, and he bound Jehoiakim in chains and led him away to Babylon.
Jeremiah 15:3
- "I will send four kinds of destroyers against them," says the LORD. "I will send the sword to kill, the dogs to drag away, the vultures to devour, and the wild animals to finish up what is left.
2 Kings 9:35
- But when they went out to bury her, they found only her skull, her feet, and her hands.
Jeremiah 36:6
- So you go to the Temple on the next day of fasting, and read the messages from the LORD that are on this scroll. On that day people will be there from all over Judah.
1 Kings 14:10
- I will bring disaster on your dynasty and kill all your sons, slave or free alike. I will burn up your royal dynasty as one burns up trash until it is all gone.