Jeremiah 2:29 Cross References
Jeremiah 2:29
29: Why do you accuse me of doing wrong? You are the ones who have rebelled, says the LORD.
Jeremiah 5:1
- "Run up and down every street in Jerusalem," says the LORD. "Look high and low; search throughout the city! If you can find even one person who is just and honest, I will not destroy the city.
Daniel 9:11
- All Israel has disobeyed your law and turned away, refusing to listen to your voice. "So now the solemn curses and judgments written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, have been poured out against us because of our sin.
Jeremiah 6:13
- "From the least to the greatest, they trick others to get what does not belong to them. Yes, even my prophets and priests are like that!
Jeremiah 2:35
- And yet you say, `I haven't done anything wrong. Surely he isn't angry with me!' Now I will punish you severely because you claim you have not sinned.
Romans 3:19
- Obviously, the law applies to those to whom it was given, for its purpose is to keep people from having excuses and to bring the entire world into judgment before God.
Jeremiah 3:2
- "Look all around you. Is there anywhere in the entire land where you have not been defiled by your adulteries? You sit like a prostitute beside the road waiting for a client. You sit alone like a nomad in the desert. You have polluted the land with your prostitution and wickedness.
Jeremiah 2:23
- "You say, `That's not true! We haven't worshiped the images of Baal!' But how can you say that? Go and look in any valley in the land! Face the awful sins you have done. You are like a restless female camel, desperate for a male!
Jeremiah 9:2
- Oh, that I could go away and forget them and live in a shack in the desert, for they are all adulterous and treacherous.
- "My people bend their tongues like bows to shoot lies. They refuse to stand up for the truth. And they only go from bad to worse! They care nothing for me," says the LORD.
- "Beware of your neighbor! Beware of your brother! They all take advantage of one another and spread their slanderous lies.
- They all fool and defraud each other; no one tells the truth. With practiced tongues they tell lies; they wear themselves out with all their sinning.
- They pile lie upon lie and utterly refuse to come to me," says the LORD.