Jeremiah 18:4 Cross References
Jeremiah 18:4
4: But the jar he was making did not turn out as he had hoped, so the potter squashed the jar into a lump of clay and started again.
Romans 9:20
- No, don't say that. Who are you, a mere human being, to criticize God? Should the thing that was created say to the one who made it, "Why have you made me like this?"
- When a potter makes jars out of clay, doesn't he have a right to use the same lump of clay to make one jar for decoration and another to throw garbage into?
- God has every right to exercise his judgment and his power, but he also has the right to be very patient with those who are the objects of his judgment and are fit only for destruction.
- He also has the right to pour out the riches of his glory upon those he prepared to be the objects of his mercy--
Jeremiah 18:6
- "O Israel, can I not do to you as this potter has done to his clay? As the clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand.
Isaiah 45:9
- "Destruction is certain for those who argue with their Creator. Does a clay pot ever argue with its maker? Does the clay dispute with the one who shapes it, saying, `Stop, you are doing it wrong!' Does the pot exclaim, `How clumsy can you be!'