Jeremiah 18:16 Cross References
Jeremiah 18:16
16: Therefore, their land will become desolate, a monument to their stupidity. All who pass by will be astonished and shake their heads in amazement at its utter desolation.
Psalms 22:7
- Everyone who sees me mocks me. They sneer and shake their heads, saying,
Jeremiah 25:9
- I will gather together all the armies of the north under King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, whom I have appointed as my deputy. I will bring them all against this land and its people and against the other nations near you. I will completely destroy you and make you an object of horror and contempt and a ruin forever.
Jeremiah 19:8
- I will wipe Jerusalem from the face of the earth, making it a monument to their stupidity. All who pass by will be appalled and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
Jeremiah 50:13
- Because of the LORD's anger, Babylon will become a deserted wasteland. All who pass by will be horrified and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
Ezekiel 33:28
- I will destroy the land and demolish her pride. Her arrogant power will come to an end. The mountains of Israel will be so ruined that no one will even travel through them.
- When I have ruined the land because of their disgusting sins, then they will know that I am the LORD.
1 Kings 9:8
- And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight for all who pass by. They will scoff and ask, `Why did the LORD do such terrible things to his land and to his Temple?'
Micah 6:16
- "The only laws you keep are those of evil King Omri; the only example you follow is that of wicked King Ahab! Therefore, I will make an example of you, bringing you to complete ruin. You will be treated with contempt, mocked by all who see you."
Jeremiah 49:13
- For I have sworn by my own name," says the LORD, "that Bozrah will become an object of horror and a heap of rubble; it will be mocked and cursed. All its towns and villages will be desolate forever."
Matthew 27:39
- And the people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery.
Isaiah 37:22
- This is the message that the LORD has spoken against him: `The virgin daughter of Zion despises you and laughs at you. The daughter of Jerusalem scoffs and shakes her head as you flee.
Mark 15:29
- And the people passing by shouted abuse, shaking their heads in mockery. "Ha! Look at you now!" they yelled at him. "You can destroy the Temple and rebuild it in three days, can you?
Lamentations 2:15
- All who pass by jeer at you. They scoff and insult Jerusalem, saying, "Is this the city called `Most Beautiful in All the World' and `Joy of All the Earth'?"
- All your enemies deride you. They scoff and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last! Long have we awaited this day, and it is finally here!"
2 Chronicles 7:20
- then I will uproot the people of Israel from this land of mine that I have given them. I will reject this Temple that I have set apart to honor my name. I will make it a spectacle of contempt among the nations.
- And though this Temple is impressive now, it will become an appalling sight to all who pass by. They will ask, `Why has the LORD done such terrible things to his land and to his Temple?'
Isaiah 6:11
- Then I said, "Lord, how long must I do this?" And he replied, "Until their cities are destroyed, with no one left in them. Until their houses are deserted and the whole country is an utter wasteland.
Ezekiel 12:19
- Give the people this message from the Sovereign LORD concerning those living in Israel and Jerusalem: They will eat their food with trembling and sip their tiny portions of water in utter despair, because their land will be stripped bare on account of their violence.
Leviticus 26:33
- I will scatter you among the nations and attack you with my own weapons. Your land will become desolate, and your cities will lie in ruins.
- Then at last the land will make up for its missed Sabbath years as it lies desolate during your years of exile in the land of your enemies. Then the land will finally rest and enjoy its Sabbaths.
Psalms 44:14
- You have made us the butt of their jokes; we are scorned by the whole world.
Ezekiel 6:14
- I will crush them and make their cities desolate from the wilderness in the south to Riblah in the north. Then they will know that I am the LORD."
Jeremiah 9:11
- "I will make Jerusalem into a heap of ruins," says the LORD. "It will be a place haunted by jackals. The towns of Judah will be ghost towns, with no one living in them."
Deuteronomy 28:59
- then the LORD will overwhelm both you and your children with indescribable plagues. These plagues will be intense and without relief, making you miserable and unbearably sick.
Leviticus 26:43
- And the land will enjoy its years of Sabbath rest as it lies deserted. At last the people will receive the due punishment for their sins, for they rejected my regulations and despised my laws.
Deuteronomy 29:23
- They will find its soil turned into sulfur and salt, with nothing planted and nothing growing, not even a blade of grass. It will be just like Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboiim, which the LORD destroyed in his anger.