Jeremiah 14:15 Cross References
Jeremiah 14:15
15: Therefore, says the LORD, I will punish these lying prophets, for they have spoken in my name even though I never sent them. They say that no war or famine will come, but they themselves will die by war and famine!
Jeremiah 5:12
- "They have lied about the LORD and have said, `He won't bother us! No disasters will come upon us! There will be no war or famine!
- God's prophets are windbags full of words with no divine authority. Their predictions of disaster will fall on themselves!'"
Ezekiel 14:10
- False prophets and hypocrites--evil people who claim to want my advice--will all be punished for their sins.
Revelation 19:20
- And the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who did mighty miracles on behalf of the beast--miracles that deceived all who had accepted the mark of the beast and who worshiped his statue. Both the beast and his false prophet were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.
Amos 7:17
- But this is what the LORD says: Because you have refused to listen, your wife will become a prostitute in this city, and your sons and daughters will be killed. Your land will be divided up, and you yourself will die in a foreign land. And the people of Israel will certainly become captives in exile, far from their homeland."
Jeremiah 29:31
- "Send an open letter to all the exiles in Babylon. Tell them, `This is what the LORD says concerning Shemaiah the Nehelamite: Since he has prophesied to you when I did not send him and has tricked you into believing his lies,
- I will punish him and his family. None of his descendants will see the good things I will do for my people, for he has taught you to rebel against me. I, the LORD, have spoken!'"
Jeremiah 29:20
- Therefore, listen to this message from the LORD, all you captives there in Babylon.
- This is what the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says about your prophets--Ahab son of Kolaiah and Zedekiah son of Maaseiah--who are telling you lies in my name: "I will turn them over to Nebuchadnezzar for a public execution.
1 Kings 22:25
- And Micaiah replied, "You will find out soon enough when you find yourself hiding in some secret room!"
Jeremiah 20:6
- As for you, Pashhur, you and all your household will go as captives to Babylon. There you will die and be buried, you and all your friends to whom you promised that everything would be all right."
Jeremiah 23:14
- But now I see that the prophets of Jerusalem are even worse! They commit adultery, and they love dishonesty. They encourage those who are doing evil instead of turning them away from their sins. These prophets are as wicked as the people of Sodom and Gomorrah once were."
- Therefore, this is what the LORD Almighty says concerning the prophets: "I will feed them with bitterness and give them poison to drink. For it is because of Jerusalem's prophets that wickedness fills this land.
Jeremiah 28:15
- Then Jeremiah the prophet said to Hananiah, "Listen, Hananiah! The LORD has not sent you, but the people believe your lies.
- Therefore, the LORD says you must die. Your life will end this very year because you have rebelled against the LORD."
- Two months later, Hananiah died.
2 Peter 2:1
- But there were also false prophets in Israel, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will cleverly teach their destructive heresies about God and even turn against their Master who bought them. Theirs will be a swift and terrible end.
- Many will follow their evil teaching and shameful immorality. And because of them, Christ and his true way will be slandered.
- In their greed they will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction is on the way.
Jeremiah 6:15
- Are they ashamed when they do these disgusting things? No, not at all--they don't even blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be humbled beneath my punishing anger," says the LORD.
Jeremiah 8:12
- Are they ashamed when they do these disgusting things? No, not at all--they don't even blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be humbled when they are punished, says the LORD.
2 Peter 2:14
- They commit adultery with their eyes, and their lust is never satisfied. They make a game of luring unstable people into sin. They train themselves to be greedy; they are doomed and cursed.
- They have wandered off the right road and followed the way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved to earn money by doing wrong.
- But Balaam was stopped from his mad course when his donkey rebuked him with a human voice.
- These people are as useless as dried-up springs of water or as clouds blown away by the wind--promising much and delivering nothing. They are doomed to blackest darkness.