Jeremiah 13:13 Cross References
Jeremiah 13:13
13: Then tell them, `No, this is what the LORD means: I will make everyone in this land so confused that they will seem drunk--from the king sitting on David's throne and from the priests and the prophets, right on down to the common people.
Psalms 60:3
- You have been very hard on us, making us drink wine that sent us reeling.
Isaiah 51:17
- Wake up, wake up, O Jerusalem! You have drunk enough from the cup of the LORD's fury. You have drunk the cup of terror, tipping out its last drops.
Isaiah 63:6
- I crushed the nations in my anger and made them stagger and fall to the ground."
Psalms 75:8
- For the LORD holds a cup in his hand; it is full of foaming wine mixed with spices. He pours the wine out in judgment, and all the wicked must drink it, draining it to the dregs.
Jeremiah 51:7
- Babylon has been like a golden cup in the LORD's hands, a cup from which he made the whole earth drink and go mad.
Jeremiah 25:27
- Then the LORD said to me, "Now tell them, `The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Drink from this cup of my anger. Get drunk and vomit, and you will fall to rise no more, for I am sending terrible wars against you.'
Isaiah 49:26
- I will feed your enemies with their own flesh. They will be drunk with rivers of their own blood. All the world will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior and Redeemer, the Mighty One of Israel. "
Jeremiah 25:15
- Then the LORD, the God of Israel, said to me, "Take from my hand this cup filled to the brim with my anger, and make all the nations to whom I send you drink from it.
- When they drink from it, they will stagger, crazed by the warfare I will send against them."
- So I took the cup of anger from the LORD and made all the nations drink from it--every nation the LORD sent me to.
- I went to Jerusalem and the other towns of Judah, and their kings and officials drank from the cup. From that day until this, they have been a desolate ruin, an object of horror, contempt, and cursing.
Isaiah 29:9
- Are you amazed and incredulous? Do you not believe it? Then go ahead and be blind if you must. You are stupid, but not from wine! You stagger, but not from beer!
Isaiah 51:21
- But now listen to this, you afflicted ones, who sit in a drunken stupor, though not from drinking wine.
Jeremiah 51:57
- "I will make drunk her officials, wise men, rulers, captains, and warriors," says the King, whose name is the LORD Almighty. "They will fall asleep and never wake up again!"
Habakkuk 2:16
- But soon it will be your turn! Come, drink and be exposed! Drink from the cup of the LORD's judgment, and all your glory will be turned to shame.