Jeremiah 10:25 Cross References
Jeremiah 10:25
25: Pour out your wrath on the nations that refuse to recognize you--on nations that do not call upon your name. For they have utterly devoured your people Israel, making the land a desolate wilderness.
Psalms 79:6
- Pour out your wrath on the nations that refuse to recognize you--on kingdoms that do not call upon your name.
- For they have devoured your people Israel, making the land a desolate wilderness.
Jeremiah 8:16
- The snorting of the enemies' warhorses can be heard all the way from the land of Dan in the north! The whole land trembles at the approach of the terrible army, for it is coming to devour the land and everything in it--cities and people alike.'
Job 18:21
- They will say, `This was the home of a wicked person, the place of one who rejected God.'"
Psalms 14:4
- Will those who do evil never learn? They eat up my people like bread; they wouldn't think of praying to the LORD.
Ezekiel 25:6
- "And the Sovereign LORD says: Because you clapped and stamped and cheered with glee at the destruction of my people,
- I will lift up my fist against you. I will give you as plunder to many nations. I will cut you off from being a nation and destroy you completely. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
- "And the Sovereign LORD says: Because the people of Moab have said that Judah is just like all the other nations,
Zechariah 1:15
- But I am very angry with the other nations that enjoy peace and security. I was only a little angry with my people, but the nations punished them far beyond my intentions.
2 Thessalonians 1:8
- in flaming fire, bringing judgment on those who don't know God and on those who refuse to obey the Good News of our Lord Jesus.
Psalms 27:2
- When evil people come to destroy me, when my enemies and foes attack me, they will stumble and fall.
1 Thessalonians 4:5
- not in lustful passion as the pagans do, in their ignorance of God and his ways.
Obadiah 1:10
- "And why? Because of the violence you did to your close relatives in Israel. Now you will be destroyed completely and filled with shame forever.
- For you deserted your relatives in Israel during their time of greatest need. You stood aloof, refusing to lift a finger to help when foreign invaders carried off their wealth and cast lots to divide up Jerusalem. You acted as though you were one of Israel's enemies.
- "You shouldn't have done this! You shouldn't have gloated when they exiled your relatives to distant lands. You shouldn't have rejoiced because they were suffering such misfortune. You shouldn't have crowed over them as they suffered these disasters.
- You shouldn't have plundered the land of Israel when they were suffering such calamity. You shouldn't have gloated over the destruction of your relatives, looting their homes and making yourselves rich at their expense.
- You shouldn't have stood at the crossroads, killing those who tried to escape. You shouldn't have captured the survivors, handing them over to their enemies in that terrible time of trouble.
Jeremiah 50:7
- All who found them devoured them. Their enemies said, `We are allowed to attack them freely, for they have sinned against the LORD, their place of rest, the hope of their ancestors.'
Zephaniah 1:6
- And I will destroy those who used to worship me but now no longer do. They no longer ask for the LORD's guidance or seek my blessings."
Jeremiah 50:17
- "The Israelites are like sheep that have been scattered by lions. First the king of Assyria ate them up. Then King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon cracked their bones."
John 17:25
- "O righteous Father, the world doesn't know you, but I do; and these disciples know you sent me.
Ezekiel 35:5
- Your continual hatred for the people of Israel led you to butcher them when they were helpless, when I had already punished them for all their sins.
- As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, since you show no distaste for blood, I will give you a bloodbath of your own. Your turn has come!
- I will make Mount Seir utterly desolate, killing off all who try to escape and any who return.
- I will fill your mountains with the dead. Your hills, your valleys, and your streams will be filled with people slaughtered by the sword.
- I will make you desolate forever. Your cities will never be rebuilt. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Isaiah 64:7
- Yet no one calls on your name or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore, you have turned away from us and turned us over to our sins.
Lamentations 2:22
- "You have invited terrors from all around as though you were calling them to a day of feasting. In the day of the LORD's anger, no one has escaped or survived. The enemy has killed all the children I bore and raised."
Jeremiah 51:34
- "King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon has eaten and crushed us and emptied out our strength. He has swallowed us like a great monster and filled his belly with our riches. He has thrown us out of our own country.
- May Babylon be repaid for all the violence she did to us," say the people of Jerusalem. "May the people of Babylonia be paid in full for all the blood they spilled," says Jerusalem.
Zephaniah 3:8
- So now the LORD says: "Be patient; the time is coming soon when I will stand up and accuse these evil nations. For it is my decision to gather together the kingdoms of the earth and pour out my fiercest anger and fury on them. All the earth will be devoured by the fire of my jealousy.
Acts 17:23
- for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it--'To an Unknown God.' You have been worshiping him without knowing who he is, and now I wish to tell you about him.
1 Corinthians 15:34
- Come to your senses and stop sinning. For to your shame I say that some of you don't even know God.
Isaiah 43:22
- "But, my dear people, you refuse to ask for my help. You have grown tired of me!