Jeremiah 10:19 Cross References
Jeremiah 10:19
19: My wound is desperate, and my grief is great. My sickness is incurable, but I must bear it.
Micah 7:9
- I will be patient as the LORD punishes me, for I have sinned against him. But after that, he will take up my case and punish my enemies for all the evil they have done to me. The LORD will bring me out of my darkness into the light, and I will see his righteousness.
Jeremiah 4:31
- I hear a great cry, like that of a woman giving birth to her first child. It is the cry of Jerusalem's people gasping for breath, pleading for help, prostrate before their murderers.
Psalms 39:9
- I am silent before you; I won't say a word. For my punishment is from you.
Lamentations 3:39
- Then why should we, mere humans, complain when we are punished for our sins?
- Instead, let us test and examine our ways. Let us turn again in repentance to the LORD.
Jeremiah 14:17
- "Now, Jeremiah, say this to them: `Night and day my eyes overflow with tears. I cannot stop weeping, for my virgin daughter--my precious people--has been run through with a sword and lies mortally wounded on the ground.
Jeremiah 9:1
- Oh, that my eyes were a fountain of tears; I would weep forever! I would sob day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.
Psalms 77:10
- And I said, "This is my fate, that the blessings of the Most High have changed to hatred."
Jeremiah 17:13
- O LORD, the hope of Israel, all who turn away from you will be disgraced and shamed. They will be buried in a dry and dusty grave, for they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living water.
Lamentations 3:18
- I cry out, "My splendor is gone! Everything I had hoped for from the LORD is lost!"
- The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words.
- I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss.
- Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:
Lamentations 2:11
- I have cried until the tears no longer come. My heart is broken, my spirit poured out, as I see what has happened to my people. Little children and tiny babies are fainting and dying in the streets.
- "Mama, we want food," they cry, and then collapse in their mothers' arms. Their lives ebb away like the life of a warrior wounded in battle.
- In all the world has there ever been such sorrow? O daughter of Jerusalem, to what can I compare your anguish? O virgin daughter of Zion, how can I comfort you? For your wound is as deep as the sea. Who can heal you?
- Your "prophets" have said so many foolish things, false to the core. They did not try to hold you back from exile by pointing out your sins. Instead, they painted false pictures, filling you with false hope.
- All who pass by jeer at you. They scoff and insult Jerusalem, saying, "Is this the city called `Most Beautiful in All the World' and `Joy of All the Earth'?"
Jeremiah 8:21
- I weep for the hurt of my people. I am stunned and silent, mute with grief.
Lamentations 1:2
- She sobs through the night; tears stream down her cheeks. Among all her lovers, there is no one left to help her. All her friends have betrayed her; they are now her enemies.
Lamentations 1:12
- "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by? Look around and see if there is any suffering like mine, which the LORD brought on me in the day of his fierce anger.
- "He has sent fire from heaven that burns in my bones. He has placed a trap in my path and turned me back. He has made me desolate, racked with sickness all day long.
- "He wove my sins into ropes to hitch me to a yoke of captivity. The Lord sapped my strength and gave me to my enemies; I am helpless in their hands.
- "The Lord has treated my mighty men with contempt. At his command a great army has come to crush my young warriors. The Lord has trampled his beloved city as grapes are trampled in a winepress.
- "For all these things I weep; tears flow down my cheeks. No one is here to comfort me; any who might encourage me are far away. My children have no future, for the enemy has conquered us."
Jeremiah 4:19
- My heart, my heart--I writhe in pain! My heart pounds within me! I cannot be still. For I have heard the blast of enemy trumpets and the roar of their battle cries.
Isaiah 8:17
- I will wait for the LORD to help us, though he has turned away from the people of Israel. My only hope is in him.
Lamentations 3:48
- Streams of tears flow from my eyes because of the destruction of my people!