Isaiah 59:11 Cross References
Isaiah 59:11
11: We growl like hungry bears; we moan like mournful doves. We look for justice, but it is nowhere to be found. We look to be rescued, but it is far away from us.
Isaiah 38:14
- Delirious, I chattered like a swallow or a crane, and then I moaned like a mourning dove. My eyes grew tired of looking to heaven for help. I am in trouble, Lord. Help me!"
Ezekiel 7:16
- The few who survive and escape to the mountains will moan like doves, weeping for their sins.
Isaiah 51:20
- For your children have fainted and lie in the streets, helpless as antelopes caught in a net. The LORD has poured out his fury; God has rebuked them.
Hosea 7:14
- They do not cry out to me with sincere hearts. Instead, they sit on their couches and wail. They cut themselves, begging foreign gods for crops and prosperity.
Isaiah 59:9
- It is because of all this evil that deliverance is far from us. That is why God doesn't punish those who injure us. No wonder we are in darkness when we expected light. No wonder we are walking in the gloom.
Jeremiah 9:1
- Oh, that my eyes were a fountain of tears; I would weep forever! I would sob day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.
Psalms 38:8
- I am exhausted and completely crushed. My groans come from an anguished heart.
Psalms 32:3
- When I refused to confess my sin, I was weak and miserable, and I groaned all day long.
- Day and night your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.
Psalms 85:9
- Surely his salvation is near to those who honor him; our land will be filled with his glory.
Psalms 119:155
- The wicked are far from salvation, for they do not bother with your principles.
Jeremiah 8:15
- We hoped for peace, but no peace came. We hoped for a time of healing, but found only terror.
Job 30:28
- I walk in gloom, without sunlight. I stand in the public square and cry for help.
- But instead, I am considered a brother to jackals and a companion to ostriches.