Isaiah 54:16 Cross References
Isaiah 54:16
16: I have created the blacksmith who fans the coals beneath the forge and makes the weapons of destruction. And I have created the armies that destroy.
Proverbs 16:4
- The LORD has made everything for his own purposes, even the wicked for punishment.
Exodus 9:16
- But I have let you live for this reason--that you might see my power and that my fame might spread throughout the earth.
Isaiah 10:5
- "Destruction is certain for Assyria, the whip of my anger. Its military power is a club in my hand.
- Assyria will enslave my people, who are a godless nation. It will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet.
Isaiah 37:26
- `But have you not heard? It was I, the LORD, who decided this long ago. Long ago I planned what I am now causing to happen, that you should crush fortified cities into heaps of rubble.
Daniel 4:34
- "After this time had passed, I, Nebuchadnezzar, looked up to heaven. My sanity returned, and I praised and worshiped the Most High and honored the one who lives forever. His rule is everlasting, and his kingdom is eternal.
- All the people of the earth are nothing compared to him. He has the power to do as he pleases among the angels of heaven and with those who live on earth. No one can stop him or challenge him, saying, `What do you mean by doing these things?'
Isaiah 46:11
- I will call a swift bird of prey from the east--a leader from a distant land who will come and do my bidding. I have said I would do it, and I will.
John 19:11
- Then Jesus said, "You would have no power over me at all unless it were given to you from above. So the one who brought me to you has the greater sin."
Isaiah 10:15
- Can the ax boast greater power than the person who uses it? Is the saw greater than the person who saws? Can a whip strike unless a hand is moving it? Can a cane walk by itself?