Isaiah 5:28 Cross References
Isaiah 5:28
28: Their arrows will be sharp and their bows ready for battle. Sparks will fly from their horses' hooves as the wheels of their chariots spin like the wind.
Psalms 45:5
- Your arrows are sharp, piercing your enemies' hearts. The nations fall before you, lying down beneath your feet.
Nahum 2:3
- Shields flash red in the sunlight! The attack begins! See their scarlet uniforms! Watch as their glittering chariots move into position, with a forest of spears waving above them.
- The chariots race recklessly along the streets and through the squares, swift as lightning, flickering like torches.
Ezekiel 21:9
- "Son of man, give the people this message from the LORD: A sword is being sharpened and polished.
- It is being prepared for terrible slaughter; it will flash like lightning! Now will you laugh? Those far stronger than you have fallen beneath its power!
- Yes, the sword is now being sharpened and polished; it is being prepared for the executioner!
Psalms 120:4
- You will be pierced with sharp arrows and burned with glowing coals.
Jeremiah 5:16
- Their weapons are deadly; their warriors are mighty.
Isaiah 21:1
- This message came to me concerning the land of Babylonia: Disaster is roaring down on you from the desert, like a whirlwind sweeping in from the Negev.
Jeremiah 47:3
- Hear the clatter of hooves and the rumble of wheels as the chariots rush by. Terrified fathers run madly, without a backward glance at their helpless children.
Micah 4:13
- "Rise up and destroy the nations, O Jerusalem!" says the LORD. "For I will give you iron horns and bronze hooves, so you can trample many nations to pieces. Then you will give all the wealth they acquired as offerings to me, the Lord of all the earth."
Judges 5:22
- Then the horses' hooves hammered the ground, the galloping, galloping of Sisera's mighty steeds.
Nahum 3:2
- Listen! Hear the crack of the whips as the chariots rush forward against her. Wheels rumble, horses' hooves pound, and chariots clatter as they bump wildly through the streets.
Psalms 7:12
- If a person does not repent, God will sharpen his sword; he will bend and string his bow.
- He will prepare his deadly weapons and ignite his flaming arrows.