Isaiah 42:13 Cross References
Isaiah 42:13
13: The LORD will march forth like a mighty man; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his thundering battle cry, and he will crush all his enemies.
Isaiah 59:16
- He was amazed to see that no one intervened to help the oppressed. So he himself stepped in to save them with his mighty power and justice.
- He put on righteousness as his body armor and placed the helmet of salvation on his head. He clothed himself with the robes of vengeance and godly fury.
- He will repay his enemies for their evil deeds. His fury will fall on his foes in distant lands.
- Then at last they will respect and glorify the name of the LORD throughout the world. For he will come like a flood tide driven by the breath of the LORD.
Exodus 15:1
- Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD: "I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; he has thrown both horse and rider into the sea.
- The LORD is my strength and my song; he has become my victory. He is my God, and I will praise him; he is my father's God, and I will exalt him!
- The LORD is a warrior; yes, the LORD is his name!
Zephaniah 3:8
- So now the LORD says: "Be patient; the time is coming soon when I will stand up and accuse these evil nations. For it is my decision to gather together the kingdoms of the earth and pour out my fiercest anger and fury on them. All the earth will be devoured by the fire of my jealousy.
Psalms 78:65
- Then the Lord rose up as though waking from sleep, like a mighty man aroused from a drunken stupor.
Jeremiah 25:30
- "Now prophesy all these things, and say to them, `The LORD will roar loudly against his own land from his holy dwelling in heaven. He will shout against everyone on the earth, like the harvesters do as they crush juice from the grapes.
Isaiah 26:11
- O LORD, they do not listen when you threaten. They do not see your upraised fist. Show them your eagerness to defend your people. Perhaps then they will be ashamed. Let your fire consume your enemies.
Isaiah 31:4
- But the LORD has told me this: "When a lion, even a young one, kills a sheep, it pays no attention to the shepherd's shouts and noise. It just goes right on eating. In the same way, the LORD Almighty will come and fight on Mount Zion. He will not be frightened away!
Hosea 11:10
- "For someday the people will follow the LORD. I will roar like a lion, and my people will return trembling from the west.
Isaiah 63:1
- Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with his clothing stained red? Who is this in royal robes, marching in the greatness of his strength? "It is I, the LORD, announcing your salvation! It is I, the LORD, who is mighty to save!"
- Why are your clothes so red, as if you have been treading out grapes?
- "I have trodden the winepress alone; no one was there to help me. In my anger I have trampled my enemies as if they were grapes. In my fury I have trampled my foes. It is their blood that has stained my clothes.
- For the time has come for me to avenge my people, to ransom them from their oppressors.
Psalms 110:5
- The Lord stands at your right hand to protect you. He will strike down many kings in the day of his anger.
- He will punish the nations and fill them with their dead; he will shatter heads over the whole earth.
Joel 3:16
- The LORD's voice will roar from Zion and thunder from Jerusalem, and the earth and heavens will begin to shake. But to his people of Israel, the LORD will be a welcoming refuge and a strong fortress.
Zephaniah 1:18
- Your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the LORD's anger. For the whole land will be devoured by the fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth.
Amos 1:2
- This is his report of what he saw and heard: "The LORD's voice roars from his Temple on Mount Zion; he thunders from Jerusalem! Suddenly, the lush pastures of the shepherds dry up. All the grass on Mount Carmel withers and dies."
Nahum 1:2
- The LORD is a jealous God, filled with vengeance and wrath. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and furiously destroys his enemies!
Psalms 118:16
- The strong right arm of the LORD is raised in triumph. The strong right arm of the LORD has done glorious things!
Isaiah 9:7
- His ever expanding, peaceful government will never end. He will rule forever with fairness and justice from the throne of his ancestor David. The passionate commitment of the LORD Almighty will guarantee this!
Isaiah 66:14
- When you see these things, your heart will rejoice. Vigorous health will be yours! Everyone will see the good hand of the LORD on his people--and his anger against his enemies.