Isaiah 37:33 Cross References
Isaiah 37:33
33: "And this is what the LORD says about the king of Assyria: His armies will not enter Jerusalem to shoot their arrows. They will not march outside its gates with their shields and build banks of earth against its walls.
2 Kings 19:32
- "And this is what the LORD says about the king of Assyria: His armies will not enter Jerusalem to shoot their arrows. They will not march outside its gates with their shields and build banks of earth against its walls.
- The king will return to his own country by the road on which he came. He will not enter this city, says the LORD.
- For my own honor and for the sake of my servant David, I will defend it."
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
Ezekiel 21:22
- Then they will decide to turn toward Jerusalem! With battering rams they will go against the gates, shouting for the kill. They will put up siege towers and build ramps against the walls to reach the top.
Isaiah 33:20
- Instead, you will see Zion as a place of worship and celebration. You will see Jerusalem, a city quiet and secure.
Isaiah 8:7
- Therefore, the Lord will overwhelm them with a mighty flood from the Euphrates River--the king of Assyria and all his mighty armies.
- This flood will overflow all its channels and sweep into Judah. It will submerge Immanuel's land from one end to the other.
- "The Assyrians will cry, `Do your best to defend yourselves, but you will be shattered! Listen all you nations. Prepare for battle--and die! Yes, die!
- Call your councils of war, develop your strategies, prepare your plans of attack--and then die! For God is with us! '"
Isaiah 17:14
- In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn its enemies are dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.
Isaiah 10:32
- But the enemy stops at Nob for the rest of that day. He shakes his fist at Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
- But look! The Lord, the LORD Almighty, will chop down the mighty tree! He will destroy all that vast army of Assyria--officers and high officials alike.
- The Mighty One will cut down the enemy as an ax cuts down the forest trees in Lebanon.
Luke 19:43
- Before long your enemies will build ramparts against your walls and encircle you and close in on you.
- They will crush you to the ground, and your children with you. Your enemies will not leave a single stone in place, because you have rejected the opportunity God offered you."
Isaiah 17:12
- Look! The armies rush forward like waves thundering toward the shore.