Isaiah 32:11 Cross References
Isaiah 32:11
11: Tremble, you women of ease; throw off your unconcern. Strip off your pretty clothes, and wear sackcloth in your grief.
Isaiah 22:4
- Leave me alone to weep; do not try to comfort me. Let me cry for my people as I watch them being destroyed.
- Oh, what a day of crushing trouble! What a day of confusion and terror the Lord, the LORD Almighty, has brought upon the Valley of Vision! The walls of Jerusalem have been broken, and cries of death echo from the mountainsides.
Jeremiah 49:3
- "Cry out, O Heshbon, for the town of Ai is destroyed. Weep, O people of Rabbah! Put on your clothes of mourning. Weep and wail, hiding in the hedges, for your god Molech will be exiled along with his princes and priests.
Jeremiah 6:26
- Now my people, dress yourselves in sackcloth, and sit among the ashes. Mourn and weep bitterly, as for the loss of an only son. For suddenly, the destroying armies will be upon you!
James 5:5
- You have spent your years on earth in luxury, satisfying your every whim. Now your hearts are nice and fat, ready for the slaughter.
Isaiah 2:21
- They will crawl into caverns and hide among the jagged rocks at the tops of cliffs. In this way, they will try to escape the terror of the LORD and the glory of his majesty as he rises to shake the earth.
Isaiah 2:19
- When the LORD rises to shake the earth, his enemies will crawl with fear into holes in the ground. They will hide in caves in the rocks from the terror of the LORD and the glory of his majesty.
Isaiah 3:24
- Instead of smelling of sweet perfume, they will stink. They will wear ropes for sashes, and their well-set hair will fall out. They will wear rough sackcloth instead of rich robes. Their beauty will be gone. Only shame will be left to them.
Isaiah 20:4
- For the king of Assyria will take away the Egyptians and Ethiopians as prisoners. He will make them walk naked and barefoot, both young and old, their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
Hosea 2:3
- If she doesn't, I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will leave her to die of thirst, as in a desert or a dry and barren wilderness.
Isaiah 47:1
- "Come, Babylon, unconquered one, sit in the dust. For your days of glory, pomp, and honor have ended. O daughter of Babylonia, never again will you be the lovely princess, tender and delicate.
- Take heavy millstones and grind the corn. Remove your veil and strip off your robe. Expose yourself to public view.
- You will be naked and burdened with shame. I will take vengeance against you and will not negotiate."
Micah 1:8
- Because of all this, I will mourn and lament. I will walk around naked and barefoot in sorrow and shame. I will howl like a jackal and wail like an ostrich.
- For my people's wound is far too deep to heal. It has reached into Judah, even to the gates of Jerusalem.
- Don't tell our enemies in the city of Gath; don't weep at all. You people in Beth-leaphrah, roll in the dust to show your anguish and despair.
- You people of Shaphir, go as captives into exile--naked and ashamed. The people of Zaanan dare not come outside their walls. The people of Beth-ezel mourn because the very foundations of their city have been swept away.
Jeremiah 4:8
- So put on clothes of mourning and weep with broken hearts, for the fierce anger of the LORD is still upon us.
Luke 23:27
- Great crowds trailed along behind, including many grief-stricken women.
- But Jesus turned and said to them, "Daughters of Jerusalem, don't weep for me, but weep for yourselves and for your children.
- For the days are coming when they will say, 'Fortunate indeed are the women who are childless, the wombs that have not borne a child and the breasts that have never nursed.'
- People will beg the mountains to fall on them and the hills to bury them.
Deuteronomy 28:48
- you will serve your enemies whom the LORD will send against you. You will be left hungry, thirsty, naked, and lacking in everything. They will oppress you harshly until you are destroyed.
Isaiah 33:14
- The sinners in Jerusalem shake with fear. "Which one of us," they cry, "can live here in the presence of this all-consuming fire?"
Isaiah 15:3
- They will wear sackcloth as they wander the streets. From every home will come the sound of weeping.