Isaiah 3:1 Cross References
Isaiah 3:1
1: The Lord, the LORD Almighty, will cut off the supplies of food and water from Jerusalem and Judah.
Leviticus 26:26
- I will completely destroy your food supply, so the bread from one oven will have to be stretched to feed ten families. They will ration your food by weight, and even if you have food to eat, you will not be satisfied.
Isaiah 1:24
- Therefore, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, the Mighty One of Israel, says, "I will pour out my fury on you, my enemies!
Ezekiel 14:13
- "Son of man, suppose the people of a country were to sin against me, and I lifted my fist to crush them, cutting off their food supply and sending a famine to destroy both people and animals alike.
Ezekiel 4:16
- Then he told me, "Son of man, I will cause food to be very scarce in Jerusalem. It will be weighed out with great care and eaten fearfully. The water will be portioned out drop by drop, and the people will drink it with dismay.
- Food and water will be so scarce that the people will look at one another in terror, and they will waste away under their punishment.
Isaiah 51:22
- This is what the Sovereign LORD, your God and Defender, says: "See, I am taking the terrible cup from your hands. You will drink no more of my fury. It is gone at last!
Psalms 105:16
- He called for a famine on the land of Canaan, cutting off its food supply.
Isaiah 2:22
- Stop putting your trust in mere humans. They are as frail as breath. How can they be of help to anyone?
Isaiah 5:13
- So I will send my people into exile far away because they do not know me. The great and honored among them will starve, and the common people will die of thirst.
Jeremiah 37:21
- So King Zedekiah commanded that Jeremiah not be returned to the dungeon. Instead, he was imprisoned in the courtyard of the guard in the royal palace. The king also commanded that Jeremiah be given a loaf of fresh bread every day as long as there was any left in the city. So Jeremiah was put in the palace prison.
Jeremiah 38:9
- "My lord the king," he said, "these men have done a very evil thing in putting Jeremiah the prophet into the cistern. He will soon die of hunger, for almost all the bread in the city is gone."
Isaiah 36:12
- But Sennacherib's representative replied, "My master wants everyone in Jerusalem to hear this, not just you. He wants them to know that if you do not surrender, this city will be put under siege. The people will become so hungry and thirsty that they will eat their own dung and drink their own urine."