Isaiah 28:5 Cross References
Isaiah 28:5
5: Then at last the LORD Almighty will himself be Israel's crowning glory. He will be the pride and joy of the remnant of his people.
Isaiah 62:3
- The LORD will hold you in his hands for all to see--a splendid crown in the hands of God.
Isaiah 60:19
- "No longer will you need the sun or moon to give you light, for the LORD your God will be your everlasting light, and he will be your glory.
1 Peter 5:4
- And when the head Shepherd comes, your reward will be a never-ending share in his glory and honor.
Isaiah 41:16
- You will toss them in the air, and the wind will blow them all away; a whirlwind will scatter them. And the joy of the LORD will fill you to overflowing. You will glory in the Holy One of Israel.
Isaiah 45:25
- In the LORD all the generations of Israel will be justified, and in him they will boast.
Job 29:14
- All I did was just and honest. Righteousness covered me like a robe, and I wore justice like a turban.
Psalms 90:16
- Let us see your miracles again; let our children see your glory at work.
- And may the Lord our God show us his approval and make our efforts successful. Yes, make our efforts successful!
Zechariah 6:13
- He will build the LORD's Temple, and he will receive royal honor and will rule as king from his throne. He will also serve as priest from his throne, and there will be perfect harmony between the two.
- "The crown will be a memorial in the Temple of the LORD to honor those who gave it--Heldai, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Josiah son of Zephaniah."
- Many will come from distant lands to rebuild the Temple of the LORD. And when this happens, you will know my messages have been from the LORD Almighty. All this will happen if you carefully obey the commands of the LORD your God.
Luke 2:32
- He is a light to reveal God to the nations, and he is the glory of your people Israel!"
1 Corinthians 1:30
- God alone made it possible for you to be in Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made Christ to be wisdom itself. He is the one who made us acceptable to God. He made us pure and holy, and he gave himself to purchase our freedom.
- As the Scriptures say, "The person who wishes to boast should boast only of what the Lord has done."
Isaiah 11:16
- He will make a highway from Assyria for the remnant there, just as he did for Israel long ago when they returned from Egypt.
2 Corinthians 4:17
- For our present troubles are quite small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us an immeasurably great glory that will last forever!
Romans 11:5
- It is the same today, for not all the Jews have turned away from God. A few are being saved as a result of God's kindness in choosing them.
- And if they are saved by God's kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God's wonderful kindness would not be what it really is--free and undeserved.
Jeremiah 9:23
- This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man gloat in his wisdom, or the mighty man in his might, or the rich man in his riches.
- Let them boast in this alone: that they truly know me and understand that I am the LORD who is just and righteous, whose love is unfailing, and that I delight in these things. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Isaiah 37:31
- And you who are left in Judah, who have escaped the ravages of the siege, will take root again in your own soil, and you will flourish and multiply.
- For a remnant of my people will spread out from Jerusalem, a group of survivors from Mount Zion. The passion of the LORD Almighty will make this happen!
Isaiah 10:20
- Then at last those left in Israel and Judah will trust the LORD, the Holy One of Israel. They will no longer depend on the Assyrians, who would destroy them.
- A remnant of them will return to the Mighty God.
Isaiah 60:1
- "Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all the nations to see! For the glory of the LORD is shining upon you.
- Darkness as black as night will cover all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD will shine over you.
- All nations will come to your light. Mighty kings will come to see your radiance.