Isaiah 22:5 Cross References
Isaiah 22:5
5: Oh, what a day of crushing trouble! What a day of confusion and terror the Lord, the LORD Almighty, has brought upon the Valley of Vision! The walls of Jerusalem have been broken, and cries of death echo from the mountainsides.
Lamentations 1:5
- Her oppressors have become her masters, and her enemies prosper, for the LORD has punished Jerusalem for her many sins. Her children have been captured and taken away to distant lands.
Isaiah 37:3
- They told him, "This is what King Hezekiah says: This is a day of trouble, insult, and disgrace. It is like when a child is ready to be born, but the mother has no strength to deliver it.
Micah 7:4
- Even the best of them is like a brier; the straightest is more crooked than a hedge of thorns. But your judgment day is coming swiftly now. Your time of punishment is here.
Isaiah 10:6
- Assyria will enslave my people, who are a godless nation. It will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet.
Lamentations 2:2
- Without mercy the Lord has destroyed every home in Israel. In his anger he has broken down the fortress walls of Jerusalem. He has brought to dust the kingdom and all its rulers.
Amos 5:18
- How terrible it will be for you who say, "If only the day of the LORD were here! For then the LORD would rescue us from all our enemies." But you have no idea what you are wishing for. That day will not bring light and prosperity, but darkness and disaster.
- In that day you will be like a man who runs from a lion--only to meet a bear. After escaping the bear, he leans his hand against a wall in his house--and is bitten by a snake.
- Yes, the day of the LORD will be a dark and hopeless day, without a ray of joy or hope.
2 Kings 19:3
- They told him, "This is what King Hezekiah says: This is a day of trouble, insult, and disgrace. It is like when a child is ready to be born, but the mother has no strength to deliver it.
2 Kings 25:10
- Then the captain of the guard supervised the entire Babylonian army as they tore down the walls of Jerusalem.
Revelation 6:16
- And they cried to the mountains and the rocks, "Fall on us and hide us from the face of the one who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb.
- For the great day of their wrath has come, and who will be able to survive?"
Isaiah 5:5
- Now this is what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will tear down its fences and let it be destroyed. I will break down its walls and let the animals trample it.
Matthew 24:16
- "Then those in Judea must flee to the hills.
Esther 3:15
- At the king's command, the decree went out by the swiftest messengers, and it was proclaimed in the fortress of Susa. Then the king and Haman sat down to drink, but the city of Susa fell into confusion.
Luke 23:30
- People will beg the mountains to fall on them and the hills to bury them.
Jeremiah 30:7
- In all history there has never been such a time of terror. It will be a time of trouble for my people Israel. Yet in the end, they will be saved!
Hosea 10:8
- And the pagan shrines of Aven, the place of Israel's sin, will crumble. Thorns and thistles will grow up around them. They will beg the mountains to bury them and the hills to fall on them.
Isaiah 25:10
- For the LORD's good hand will rest on Jerusalem. Moab will be crushed like trampled straw and left to rot.
Isaiah 22:1
- This message came to me concerning Jerusalem: What is happening? Why is everyone running to the rooftops?