Isaiah 19:17 Cross References
Isaiah 19:17
17: Just to speak the name of Israel will strike deep terror in their hearts, for the LORD Almighty has laid out his plans against them.
Isaiah 14:24
- The LORD Almighty has sworn this oath: "It will all happen as I have planned. It will come about according to my purposes.
Daniel 4:35
- All the people of the earth are nothing compared to him. He has the power to do as he pleases among the angels of heaven and with those who live on earth. No one can stop him or challenge him, saying, `What do you mean by doing these things?'
Isaiah 20:2
- the LORD told Isaiah son of Amoz, "Take off all your clothes, including your sandals." Isaiah did as he was told and walked around naked and barefoot.
- Then the LORD said, "My servant Isaiah has been walking around naked and barefoot for the last three years. This is a sign--a symbol of the terrible troubles I will bring upon Egypt and Ethiopia.
- For the king of Assyria will take away the Egyptians and Ethiopians as prisoners. He will make them walk naked and barefoot, both young and old, their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.
- How dismayed will be the Philistines, who counted on the power of Ethiopia and boasted of their allies in Egypt!
Ezekiel 29:6
- "All the people of Egypt will discover that I am the LORD, for you collapsed like a reed when Israel looked to you for help.
- Israel leaned on you, but like a cracked staff, you splintered and stabbed her in the armpit. When she put her weight on you, you gave way, and her back was thrown out of joint.
Jeremiah 43:8
- Then at Tahpanhes, the LORD gave another message to Jeremiah. He said,
- "While the people of Judah are watching, bury large rocks between the pavement stones at the entrance of Pharaoh's palace here in Tahpanhes.
- Then say to the people of Judah, `The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: I will surely bring my servant Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, here to Egypt. I will set his throne on these stones that I have hidden. He will spread his royal canopy over them.
- And when he comes, he will destroy the land of Egypt. He will bring death to those destined for death; he will bring captivity to those destined for captivity; he will bring the sword against those destined for the sword.
- He will set fire to the temples of Egypt's gods, burning all their idols and carrying away the people as captives. He will pick clean the land of Egypt as a shepherd picks fleas from his cloak. And he himself will leave unharmed.
Isaiah 46:10
- Only I can tell you what is going to happen even before it happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.
- I will call a swift bird of prey from the east--a leader from a distant land who will come and do my bidding. I have said I would do it, and I will.
Jeremiah 44:28
- "Only a small number will escape death and return to Judah from Egypt. Then all those who came to Egypt will find out whose words are true, mine or theirs!
- And this is the proof I give you, says the LORD, that all I have threatened will happen to you and that I will punish you here:
- I will turn Pharaoh Hophra, king of Egypt, over to his enemies who want to kill him, just as I turned King Zedekiah of Judah over to King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. I, the LORD, have spoken!"
Isaiah 36:1
- In the fourteenth year of King Hezekiah's reign, King Sennacherib of Assyria came to attack the fortified cities of Judah and conquered them.
Jeremiah 25:19
- I went to Egypt and spoke to Pharaoh, his officials, his princes, and his people. They, too, drank from that terrible cup,
Jeremiah 25:27
- Then the LORD said to me, "Now tell them, `The LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Drink from this cup of my anger. Get drunk and vomit, and you will fall to rise no more, for I am sending terrible wars against you.'
- And if they refuse to accept the cup, tell them, `The LORD Almighty says: You must drink from it. You cannot escape!
- I have begun to punish Jerusalem, the city where my own name is honored. Now should I let you go unpunished? No, you will not escape disaster. I will call for war against all the nations of the earth. I, the LORD Almighty, have spoken!'
- "Now prophesy all these things, and say to them, `The LORD will roar loudly against his own land from his holy dwelling in heaven. He will shout against everyone on the earth, like the harvesters do as they crush juice from the grapes.
- His cry of judgment will reach the ends of the earth, for the LORD will bring his case against all the nations. He will judge all the people of the earth, slaughtering the wicked with his sword. The LORD has spoken!'"
Isaiah 14:26
- I have a plan for the whole earth, for my mighty power reaches throughout the world.
- The LORD Almighty has spoken--who can change his plans? When his hand moves, who can stop him?"