Isaiah 13:18 Cross References
Isaiah 13:18
18: The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children.
2 Kings 8:12
- "What's the matter, my lord?" Hazael asked him. Elisha replied, "I know the terrible things you will do to the people of Israel. You will burn their fortified cities, kill their young men, dash their children to the ground, and rip open their pregnant women!"
2 Chronicles 36:17
- So the LORD brought the king of Babylon against them. The Babylonians killed Judah's young men, even chasing after them into the Temple. They had no pity on the people, killing both young and old, men and women, healthy and sick. God handed them all over to Nebuchadnezzar.
Isaiah 13:16
- Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes.
Ezekiel 9:10
- So I will not spare them or have any pity on them. I will fully repay them for all they have done."
Ezekiel 9:5
- Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity!
- Kill them all--old and young, girls and women and little children. But do not touch anyone with the mark. Begin your task right here at the Temple." So they began by killing the seventy leaders.
Hosea 13:16
- The people of Samaria must bear the consequences of their guilt because they rebelled against their God. They will be killed by an invading army, their little ones dashed to death against the ground, their pregnant women ripped open by swords."
Nahum 2:1
- Nineveh, you are already surrounded by enemy armies! Sound the alarm! Man the ramparts! Muster your defenses, and keep a sharp watch for the enemy attack to begin!
Nahum 3:10
- Yet Thebes fell, and her people were led away as captives. Her babies were dashed to death against the stones of the streets. Soldiers cast lots to see who would get the Egyptian officers as servants. All their leaders were bound in chains.