Isaiah 11:13 Cross References
Isaiah 11:13
13: Then at last the jealousy between Israel and Judah will end. They will not fight against each other anymore.
Jeremiah 3:18
- In those days the people of Judah and Israel will return together from exile in the north. They will return to the land I gave their ancestors as an inheritance forever.
Hosea 1:11
- Then the people of Judah and Israel will unite under one leader, and they will return from exile together. What a day that will be--the day of Jezreel--when God will again plant his people in his land. 1In that day you will call your brothers Ammi--`My people.' And you will call your sisters Ruhamah--`The ones I love.'
Ezekiel 37:16
- "Son of man, take a stick and carve on it these words: `This stick represents Judah and its allied tribes.' Then take another stick and carve these words on it: `This stick represents the northern tribes of Israel.'
- Now hold them together in your hand as one stick.
- When your people ask you what your actions mean,
- say to them, `This is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will take the northern tribes and join them to Judah. I will make them one stick in my hand.'
- Then hold out the sticks you have inscribed, so the people can see them.
Isaiah 9:21
- Manasseh will feed on Ephraim, Ephraim will feed on Manasseh, and both will devour Judah. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.
Isaiah 7:1
- During the reign of Ahaz son of Jotham and grandson of Uzziah, Jerusalem was attacked by King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah of Israel, the son of Remaliah. The city withstood the attack, however, and was not taken.
- The news had come to the royal court: "Aram is allied with Israel against us!" So the hearts of the king and his people trembled with fear, just as trees shake in a storm.
- Then the LORD said to Isaiah, "Go out to meet King Ahaz, you and your son Shear-jashub. You will find the king at the end of the aqueduct that feeds water into the upper pool, near the road leading to the field where cloth is bleached.
- Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn't need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers, King Rezin of Aram and Pekah son of Remaliah.
- "Yes, the kings of Aram and Israel are coming against you. They are saying,