Isaiah 10:12 Cross References
Isaiah 10:12
12: After the Lord has used the king of Assyria to accomplish his purposes in Jerusalem, he will turn against the king of Assyria and punish him--for he is proud and arrogant.
2 Kings 19:31
- For a remnant of my people will spread out from Jerusalem, a group of survivors from Mount Zion. The passion of the LORD Almighty will make this happen!
Jeremiah 50:18
- Therefore, the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, says: "Now I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, just as I punished the king of Assyria.
Isaiah 10:5
- "Destruction is certain for Assyria, the whip of my anger. Its military power is a club in my hand.
- Assyria will enslave my people, who are a godless nation. It will plunder them, trampling them like dirt beneath its feet.
Daniel 4:37
- "Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and glorify and honor the King of heaven. All his acts are just and true, and he is able to humble those who are proud."
Matthew 12:33
- "A tree is identified by its fruit. Make a tree good, and its fruit will be good. Make a tree bad, and its fruit will be bad.
Isaiah 50:11
- But watch out, you who live in your own light and warm yourselves by your own fires. This is the reward you will receive from me: You will soon lie down in great torment.
Isaiah 46:10
- Only I can tell you what is going to happen even before it happens. Everything I plan will come to pass, for I do whatever I wish.
- I will call a swift bird of prey from the east--a leader from a distant land who will come and do my bidding. I have said I would do it, and I will.
Psalms 18:27
- You rescue those who are humble, but you humiliate the proud.
Job 40:11
- Give vent to your anger. Let it overflow against the proud.
- Humiliate the proud with a glance; walk on the wicked where they stand.
Isaiah 30:30
- And the LORD will make his majestic voice heard. With angry indignation he will bring down his mighty arm on his enemies. It will descend with devouring flames, with cloudbursts, thunderstorms, and huge hailstones, bringing their destruction.
- At the LORD's command, the Assyrians will be shattered. He will strike them down with his rod.
- And as the LORD strikes them, his people will keep time with the music of tambourines and harps.
- Topheth--the place of burning--has long been ready for the Assyrian king; it has been piled high with wood. The breath of the LORD, like fire from a volcano, will set it ablaze.
Isaiah 10:25
- It will not last very long. In a little while my anger against you will end, and then my anger will rise up to destroy them."
- The LORD Almighty will beat them with his whip, as he did when Gideon triumphed over the Midianites at the rock of Oreb, or when the LORD's staff was raised to drown the Egyptian army in the sea.
- In that day the LORD will end the bondage of his people. He will break the yoke of slavery and lift it from their shoulders.
- Look, the mighty armies of Assyria are coming! They are now at Aiath, now at Migron. They are storing some of their equipment at Micmash.
- They are crossing the pass and are staying overnight at Geba. Fear strikes the city of Ramah. All the people of Gibeah--the city of Saul--are running for their lives.
Isaiah 65:7
- both for their own sins and for those of their ancestors," says the LORD. "For they also burned incense on the mountains and insulted me on the hills. I will pay them back in full!
Ezekiel 31:10
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because it became proud and arrogant, and because it set itself so high above the others, reaching to the clouds,
Isaiah 28:21
- The LORD will come suddenly and in anger, as he did against the Philistines at Mount Perazim and against the Amorites at Gibeon. He will come to do a strange, unusual thing: He will destroy his own people!
- So scoff no more, or your punishment will be even greater. For the Lord, the LORD Almighty, has plainly told me that he is determined to crush you.
1 Peter 4:17
- For the time has come for judgment, and it must begin first among God's own children. And if even we Christians must be judged, what terrible fate awaits those who have never believed God's Good News?
Matthew 15:19
- For from the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, all other sexual immorality, theft, lying, and slander.
Isaiah 17:12
- Look! The armies rush forward like waves thundering toward the shore.
- But though they roar like breakers on a beach, God will silence them. They will flee like chaff scattered by the wind or like dust whirling before a storm.
- In the evening Israel waits in terror, but by dawn its enemies are dead. This is the just reward of those who plunder and destroy the people of God.
Isaiah 14:24
- The LORD Almighty has sworn this oath: "It will all happen as I have planned. It will come about according to my purposes.
- I will break the Assyrians when they are in Israel; I will trample them on my mountains. My people will no longer be their slaves.
- I have a plan for the whole earth, for my mighty power reaches throughout the world.
- The LORD Almighty has spoken--who can change his plans? When his hand moves, who can stop him?"
Isaiah 10:16
- Listen now, king of Assyria! Because of all your evil boasting, the Lord, the LORD Almighty, will send a plague among your proud troops, and a flaming fire will ignite your glory.
- The LORD, the Light of Israel and the Holy One, will be a flaming fire that will destroy them. In a single night he will burn those thorns and briers, the Assyrians.
- Assyria's vast army is like a glorious forest, yet it will be destroyed. The LORD will completely destroy Assyria's warriors, and they will waste away like sick people in a plague.
- Only a few from all that mighty army will survive--so few that a child could count them!
Isaiah 5:15
- In that day the arrogant will be brought down to the dust; the proud will be humbled.
Psalms 76:10
- Human opposition only enhances your glory, for you use it as a sword of judgment.
Isaiah 2:11
- The day is coming when your pride will be brought low and the LORD alone will be exalted.
Proverbs 30:13
- They are proud beyond description and disdainful.
Isaiah 37:36
- That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian troops. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
- Then King Sennacherib of Assyria broke camp and returned to his own land. He went home to his capital of Nineveh and stayed there.
- One day while he was worshiping in the temple of his god Nisroch, his sons Adrammelech and Sharezer killed him with their swords. They then escaped to the land of Ararat, and another son, Esarhaddon, became the next king of Assyria.
Isaiah 27:9
- The LORD did this to purge away Israel's sin. When he has finished, all the pagan altars will be crushed to dust. There won't be an Asherah pole or incense altar left standing.
Isaiah 31:5
- The LORD Almighty will hover over Jerusalem as a bird hovers around its nest. He will defend and save the city; he will pass over it and rescue it."
- Therefore, my people, though you are such wicked rebels, come and return to the LORD.
- I know the glorious day will come when every one of you will throw away the gold idols and silver images that your sinful hands have made.
- "The Assyrians will be destroyed, but not by the swords of men. The sword of God will strike them, and they will panic and flee. The strong young Assyrians will be taken away as captives.
- Even their generals will quake with terror and flee when they see the battle flags," says the LORD, whose flame burns brightly in Jerusalem.
Isaiah 9:9
- and the people of Israel and Samaria will soon discover it. In their pride and arrogance they say,
Isaiah 29:7
- All the nations fighting against Jerusalem will vanish like a dream! Those who are attacking her walls will vanish like a vision in the night.
- A hungry person dreams of eating but is still hungry. A thirsty person dreams of drinking but is still faint from thirst when morning comes. In the same way, your enemies will dream of a victorious conquest over Jerusalem, but all to no avail."
Psalms 21:10
- You will wipe their children from the face of the earth; they will never have descendants.
Ezekiel 31:14
- Let no other nation proudly exult in its own prosperity, though it be higher than the clouds, for all are doomed. They will land in the pit along with all the proud people of the world.