Hosea 4:5 Cross References
Hosea 4:5
5: As a sentence for your crimes, you will stumble in broad daylight, just as you might at night, and so will your false prophets. And I will destroy your mother, Israel.
Jeremiah 15:8
- "There will be more widows than the grains of sand along the seashore. At noontime I will bring a destroyer against the mothers of young men. I will cause anguish and terror to come upon them suddenly.
Hosea 2:2
- "But now, call Israel to account, for she is no longer my wife, and I am no longer her husband. Tell her to take off her garish makeup and suggestive clothing and to stop playing the prostitute.
Galatians 4:26
- But Sarah, the free woman, represents the heavenly Jerusalem. And she is our mother.
Zechariah 13:2
- "And on that day, says the LORD Almighty, I will get rid of every trace of idol worship throughout the land, so that even the names of the idols will be forgotten. I will remove from the land all false prophets and the unclean spirits that inspire them.
Jeremiah 6:12
- Their homes will be turned over to their enemies, and so will their fields and their wives. For I will punish the people of this land," says the LORD.
- "From the least to the greatest, they trick others to get what does not belong to them. Yes, even my prophets and priests are like that!
- They offer superficial treatments for my people's mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when all is war.
- Are they ashamed when they do these disgusting things? No, not at all--they don't even blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be humbled beneath my punishing anger," says the LORD.
Ezekiel 14:7
- I, the LORD, will punish all those, both Israelites and foreigners, who reject me and set up idols in their hearts so they fall into sin, and who then come to a prophet asking for my advice.
- I will turn against such people and make a terrible example of them, destroying them. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
- And if a prophet is deceived and gives a message anyway, it is because I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet. I will stand against such prophets and cut them off from the community of Israel.
- False prophets and hypocrites--evil people who claim to want my advice--will all be punished for their sins.
Micah 3:5
- This is what the LORD says to you false prophets: "You are leading my people astray! You promise peace for those who give you food, but you declare war on anyone who refuses to pay you.
- Now the night will close around you, cutting off all your visions. Darkness will cover you, making it impossible for you to predict the future. The sun will set for you prophets, and your day will come to an end.
- Then you seers will cover your faces in shame, and you diviners will be disgraced. And you will admit that your messages were not from God."
Hosea 9:7
- The time of Israel's punishment has come; the day of payment is almost here. Soon Israel will know this all too well. "The prophets are crazy!" the people shout. "The inspired men are mad!" So they taunt, for the nation is burdened with sin and shows only hatred for those who love God.
- The prophet is a watchman for my God over Israel, yet traps are laid in front of him wherever he goes. He faces hostility even in the house of God.
Zechariah 11:8
- I got rid of their three evil shepherds in a single month. But I became impatient with these sheep--this nation--and they hated me, too.
Jeremiah 23:9
- My heart is broken because of the false prophets, and I tremble uncontrollably. I stagger like a drunkard, like someone overcome by wine, because of the holy words the LORD has spoken against them.
Isaiah 50:1
- The LORD asks, "Did I sell you as slaves to my creditors? Is that why you are not here? Is your mother gone because I divorced her and sent her away? No, you went away as captives because of your sins. And your mother, too, was taken because of your sins.
Jeremiah 50:12
- But your homeland will be overwhelmed with shame and disgrace. You will become the least of nations--a wilderness, a dry and desolate land.
Jeremiah 14:15
- Therefore, says the LORD, I will punish these lying prophets, for they have spoken in my name even though I never sent them. They say that no war or famine will come, but they themselves will die by war and famine!
- As for the people to whom they prophesy--their bodies will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem, victims of famine and war. There will be no one left to bury them. Husbands, wives, sons, and daughters--all will be gone. For I will pour out their own wickedness on them.
Jeremiah 6:4
- They shout, `Prepare for battle and attack at noon! But now the day is fading, and the evening shadows are falling.
- So let us attack by night and destroy her palaces!'"
Ezekiel 13:9
- I will raise my fist against all the lying prophets, and they will be banished from the community of Israel. I will blot their names from Israel's record books, and they will never again see their own land. Then you will know that I am the Sovereign LORD!
- "These evil prophets deceive my people by saying, `All is peaceful!' when there is no peace at all! It's as if the people have built a flimsy wall, and these prophets are trying to hold it together by covering it with whitewash!
- Tell these whitewashers that their wall will soon fall down. A heavy rainstorm will undermine it; great hailstones and mighty winds will knock it down.
- And when the wall falls, the people will cry out, `Where is the whitewash you applied?'
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will sweep away your whitewashed wall with a storm of indignation, with a great flood of anger, and with hailstones of fury.
Ezekiel 16:44
- Everyone who makes up proverbs will say of you, `Like mother, like daughter.'
- For your mother loathed her husband and her children, and so do you. And you are exactly like your sisters, for they despised their husbands and their children. Truly your mother must have been a Hittite and your father an Amorite.
Isaiah 9:13
- For after all this punishment, the people will still not repent and turn to the LORD Almighty.
- Therefore, in a single day, the LORD will destroy both the head and the tail, the palm branch and the reed.
- The leaders of Israel are the head, and the lying prophets are the tail.
- For the leaders of the people have led them down the path of destruction.
- That is why the Lord has no joy in the young men and no mercy on even the widows and orphans. For they are all hypocrites, speaking wickedness with lies. But even then the LORD's anger will not be satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike.
Jeremiah 8:10
- I will give their wives and their farms to others. From the least to the greatest, they trick others to get what does not belong to them. Yes, even my prophets and priests are like that.
- They offer superficial treatments for my people's mortal wound. They give assurances of peace when all is war.
- Are they ashamed when they do these disgusting things? No, not at all--they don't even blush! Therefore, they will lie among the slaughtered. They will be humbled when they are punished, says the LORD.