Hosea 4:4 Cross References
Hosea 4:4
4: "Don't point your finger at someone else and try to pass the blame! Look, you priests, my complaint is with you!
Deuteronomy 17:12
- Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel.
Amos 5:13
- So those who are wise will keep quiet, for it is an evil time.
Hosea 4:17
- Leave her alone because she is married to idolatry.
Jeremiah 18:18
- Then the people said, "Come on, let's find a way to stop Jeremiah. We have our own priests and wise men and prophets. We don't need him to teach the law and give us advice and prophecies. Let's spread rumors about him and ignore what he says."
Amos 6:10
- And when a close relative--one who is responsible for burning the dead--goes into the house to carry away a dead body, he will ask the last survivor, "Is there anyone else with you?" And the person will answer, "No!" Then he will say, "Hush! Don't even whisper the name of the LORD. He might hear you!"
Ezekiel 3:26
- And I will make your tongue stick to the roof of your mouth so you won't be able to pray for them, for they are rebellious.
Matthew 7:3
- And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own?
- How can you think of saying, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye?
- Hypocrite! First get rid of the log from your own eye; then perhaps you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye.
- "Don't give what is holy to unholy people. Don't give pearls to swine! They will trample the pearls, then turn and attack you.