Hosea 2:10 Cross References
Hosea 2:10
10: I will strip her naked in public, while all her lovers look on. No one will be able to rescue her from my hands.
Ezekiel 23:29
- They will deal with you in hatred and rob you of all you own, leaving you naked and bare. The shame of your prostitution will be exposed to all the world.
Jeremiah 13:26
- I myself will expose you to shame.
Hosea 13:7
- So now I will attack you like a lion, or like a leopard that lurks along the road.
- I will rip you to pieces like a bear whose cubs have been taken away. I will tear you apart and devour you like a hungry lion.
Isaiah 3:17
- The Lord will send a plague of scabs to ornament their heads. Yes, the LORD will make them bald for all to see!
Micah 5:8
- The remnant of Israel will go out among the nations and be as strong as a lion. And the other nations will be like helpless sheep, with no one to rescue them.
Ezekiel 16:36
- This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Because you have exposed yourself in prostitution to all your lovers, and because you have worshiped detestable idols, and because you have slaughtered your children as sacrifices to your gods,
- this is what I am going to do. I will gather together all your allies--these lovers of yours with whom you have sinned, both those you loved and those you hated--and I will strip you naked in front of them so they can stare at you.
1 Corinthians 4:5
- So be careful not to jump to conclusions before the Lord returns as to whether or not someone is faithful. When the Lord comes, he will bring our deepest secrets to light and will reveal our private motives. And then God will give to everyone whatever praise is due.
Psalms 50:22
- Repent, all of you who ignore me, or I will tear you apart, and no one will help you.
Hosea 5:13
- "When Israel and Judah saw how sick they were, Israel turned to Assyria, to the great king there, but he could neither help nor cure them.
- I will tear at Israel and Judah as a lion rips apart its prey. I will carry them off, and there will be no one left to rescue them.
Jeremiah 13:22
- You may ask yourself, "Why is all this happening to me?" It is because of your many sins! That is why you have been raped and destroyed by invading armies.
Luke 12:2
- The time is coming when everything will be revealed; all that is secret will be made public.
- Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!
Hosea 2:3
- If she doesn't, I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will leave her to die of thirst, as in a desert or a dry and barren wilderness.
Proverbs 11:21
- You can be sure that evil people will be punished, but the children of the godly will go free.