Haggai 2:18 Cross References
Haggai 2:18
18: "On this eighteenth day of December--the day when the foundation of the LORD's Temple was laid--carefully consider this:
Zechariah 8:9
- "This is what the LORD Almighty says: Take heart and finish the task! You have heard what the prophets have been saying about building the Temple of the LORD Almighty ever since the foundation was laid.
Haggai 2:15
- So think about this from now on--consider how things were going for you before you began to lay the foundation of the LORD's Temple.
Deuteronomy 32:29
- Oh, that they were wise and could understand this! Oh, that they might know their fate!
Zechariah 8:12
- For I am planting seeds of peace and prosperity among you. The grapevines will be heavy with fruit. The earth will produce its crops, and the sky will release the dew. Once more I will make the remnant in Judah and Israel the heirs of these blessings.
Ezra 5:1
- At that time the prophets Haggai and Zechariah son of Iddo prophesied in the name of the God of Israel to the Jews in Judah and Jerusalem.
- Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel and Jeshua son of Jehozadak responded by beginning the task of rebuilding the Temple of God in Jerusalem. And the prophets of God were with them and helped them.
Haggai 1:14
- So the LORD sparked the enthusiasm of Zerubbabel son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, Jeshua son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the whole remnant of God's people. They came and began their work on the house of the LORD Almighty, their God.
- This was on September 21 of the second year of King Darius's reign.
Haggai 2:10
- On December 18 of the second year of King Darius's reign, the LORD sent this message to the prophet Haggai:
Luke 15:17
- "When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, 'At home even the hired men have food enough to spare, and here I am, dying of hunger!
- I will go home to my father and say, "Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you,
- and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired man."'
- "So he returned home to his father. And while he was still a long distance away, his father saw him coming. Filled with love and compassion, he ran to his son, embraced him, and kissed him.