Genesis 9:21 Cross References
Genesis 9:21
21: One day he became drunk on some wine he had made and lay naked in his tent.
Proverbs 20:1
- Wine produces mockers; liquor leads to brawls. Whoever is led astray by drink cannot be wise.
Proverbs 23:31
- Don't let the sparkle and smooth taste of wine deceive you.
- For in the end it bites like a poisonous serpent; it stings like a viper.
Habakkuk 2:15
- "How terrible it will be for you who make your neighbors drunk! You force your cup on them so that you can gloat over their nakedness and shame.
- But soon it will be your turn! Come, drink and be exposed! Drink from the cup of the LORD's judgment, and all your glory will be turned to shame.
Romans 13:13
- We should be decent and true in everything we do, so that everyone can approve of our behavior. Don't participate in wild parties and getting drunk, or in adultery and immoral living, or in fighting and jealousy.
Galatians 5:21
- envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.
Genesis 6:9
- This is the history of Noah and his family. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time. He consistently followed God's will and enjoyed a close relationship with him.
Titus 2:2
- Teach the older men to exercise self-control, to be worthy of respect, and to live wisely. They must have strong faith and be filled with love and patience.
Ecclesiastes 7:20
- There is not a single person in all the earth who is always good and never sins.
1 Corinthians 10:12
- If you think you are standing strong, be careful, for you, too, may fall into the same sin.
Genesis 19:32
- Come, let's get him drunk with wine, and then we will sleep with him. That way we will preserve our family line through our father."
- So that night they got him drunk, and the older daughter went in and slept with her father. He was unaware of her lying down or getting up again.
- The next morning the older daughter said to her younger sister, "I slept with our father last night. Let's get him drunk with wine again tonight, and you go in and sleep with him. That way our family line will be preserved."
- So that night they got him drunk again, and the younger daughter went in and slept with him. As before, he was unaware of her lying down or getting up again.
- So both of Lot's daughters became pregnant by their father.
Luke 22:3
- Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples,
- and he went over to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them.
Revelation 3:18
- I advise you to buy gold from me--gold that has been purified by fire. Then you will be rich. And also buy white garments so you will not be shamed by your nakedness. And buy ointment for your eyes so you will be able to see.