Genesis 27:13 Cross References
Genesis 27:13
13: "Let the curse fall on me, dear son," said Rebekah. "Just do what I tell you. Go out and get the goats."
Matthew 27:25
- And all the people yelled back, "We will take responsibility for his death--we and our children!"
1 Samuel 25:24
- She fell at his feet and said, "I accept all blame in this matter, my lord. Please listen to what I have to say.
2 Samuel 14:9
- "Oh, thank you, my lord," she replied. "And I'll take the responsibility if you are criticized for helping me like this."
Genesis 27:8
- Now, my son, do exactly as I tell you.
Genesis 43:9
- I personally guarantee his safety. If I don't bring him back to you, then let me bear the blame forever.
Genesis 25:33
- So Jacob insisted, "Well then, swear to me right now that it is mine." So Esau swore an oath, thereby selling all his rights as the firstborn to his younger brother.
1 Samuel 14:24
- Now the men of Israel were worn out that day, because Saul had made them take an oath, saying, "Let a curse fall on anyone who eats before evening--before I have full revenge on my enemies." So no one ate a thing all day,
- even though they found honeycomb on the ground in the forest.
- They didn't even touch the honey because they all feared the oath they had taken.
- But Jonathan had not heard his father's command, and he dipped a stick into a piece of honeycomb and ate the honey. After he had eaten it, he felt much better.
- But one of the men saw him and said, "Your father made the army take a strict oath that anyone who eats food today will be cursed. That is why everyone is weary and faint."
Genesis 25:23
- And the LORD told her, "The sons in your womb will become two rival nations. One nation will be stronger than the other; the descendants of your older son will serve the descendants of your younger son."
1 Samuel 14:36
- Then Saul said, "Let's chase the Philistines all night and destroy every last one of them." His men replied, "We'll do whatever you think is best." But the priest said, "Let's ask God first."
- So Saul asked God, "Should we go after the Philistines? Will you help us defeat them?" But God made no reply that day.
- Then Saul said to the leaders, "Something's wrong! I want all my army commanders to come here. We must find out what sin was committed today.
- I vow by the name of the LORD who rescued Israel that the sinner will surely die, even if it is my own son Jonathan!" But no one would tell him what the trouble was.
- Then Saul said, "Jonathan and I will stand over here, and all of you stand over there." And the people agreed.