Genesis 25:23 Cross References
Genesis 25:23
23: And the LORD told her, "The sons in your womb will become two rival nations. One nation will be stronger than the other; the descendants of your older son will serve the descendants of your younger son."
Genesis 27:40
- and you will live by your sword. You will serve your brother for a time, but then you will shake loose from him and be free."
Genesis 27:29
- May many nations become your servants. May you be the master of your brothers. May all your mother's sons bow low before you. All who curse you are cursed, and all who bless you are blessed."
Romans 9:10
- This son was our ancestor Isaac. When he grew up, he married Rebekah, who gave birth to twins.
- But before they were born, before they had done anything good or bad, she received a message from God. (This message proves that God chooses according to his own plan,
- not according to our good or bad works.) She was told, "The descendants of your older son will serve the descendants of your younger son."
- In the words of the Scriptures, "I loved Jacob, but I rejected Esau."
2 Samuel 8:14
- He placed army garrisons throughout Edom, and all the Edomites became David's subjects. This was another example of how the LORD made David victorious wherever he went.
Malachi 1:2
- "I have loved you deeply," says the LORD. But you retort, "Really? How have you loved us?" And the LORD replies, "I showed my love for you by loving your ancestor Jacob. Yet Esau was Jacob's brother,
- and I rejected Esau and devastated his hill country. I turned Esau's inheritance into a desert for jackals."
- And Esau's descendants in Edom may say, "We have been shattered, but we will rebuild the ruins." But this is what the LORD Almighty says: "They may try to rebuild, but I will demolish them again! Their country will be known as `The Land of Wickedness,' and their people will be called `The People with Whom the LORD Is Forever Angry.'
- When you see the destruction for yourselves, you will say, `Truly, the LORD's great power reaches far beyond our borders!'"
Ezekiel 25:12
- "And the Sovereign LORD says: The people of Edom have sinned greatly by avenging themselves against the people of Judah.
- Therefore, says the Sovereign LORD, I will raise my fist of judgment against Edom. I will wipe out their people, cattle, and flocks with the sword. I will make a wasteland of everything from Teman to Dedan.
- By the hand of my people of Israel, I will accomplish this. They will carry out my furious vengeance, and Edom will know it is from me. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!
Genesis 24:60
- They blessed her with this blessing as she parted: "Our sister, may you become the mother of many millions! May your descendants overcome all their enemies."
1 Chronicles 18:13
- He placed army garrisons throughout Edom, and all the Edomites became David's subjects. This was another example of how the LORD made David victorious wherever he went.
Genesis 17:16
- And I will bless her and give you a son from her! Yes, I will bless her richly, and she will become the mother of many nations. Kings will be among her descendants!"
Psalms 83:5
- This was their unanimous decision. They signed a treaty as allies against you--
- these Edomites and Ishmaelites, Moabites and Hagrites,
- Gebalites, Ammonites, and Amalekites, and people from Philistia and Tyre.
- Assyria has joined them, too, and is allied with the descendants of Lot.
- Do to them as you did to the Midianites or as you did to Sisera and Jabin at the Kishon River.
Jeremiah 49:7
- This message was given concerning Edom. This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Where are all the wise men of Teman? Is there no one left to give wise counsel?
- Turn and flee! Hide in deep caves, you people of Dedan! For when I bring disaster on Edom, I will punish you, too!
- Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. If thieves came at night, even they would not take everything.
- But I will strip bare the land of Edom, and there will be no place left to hide. Its children, its brothers, and its neighbors--all will be destroyed--and Edom itself will be no more.
- But I will preserve the orphans who remain among you. Your widows, too, will be able to depend on me for help."
Psalms 60:8
- Moab will become my lowly servant, and Edom will be my slave. I will shout in triumph over the Philistines."
- But who will bring me into the fortified city? Who will bring me victory over Edom?
Isaiah 34:1
- Come here and listen, O nations of the earth. Let the world and everything in it hear my words.
- For the LORD is enraged against the nations. His fury is against all their armies. He will completely destroy them, bringing about their slaughter.
- Their dead will be left unburied, and the stench of rotting bodies will fill the land. The mountains will flow with their blood.
- The heavens above will melt away and disappear like a rolled-up scroll. The stars will fall from the sky, just as withered leaves and fruit fall from a tree.
- And when my sword has finished its work in the heavens, then watch. It will fall upon Edom, the nation I have completely destroyed.
Numbers 20:14
- While Moses was at Kadesh, he sent ambassadors to the king of Edom with this message: "This message is from your relatives, the people of Israel: You know all the hardships we have been through,
Isaiah 63:1
- Who is this who comes from Edom, from the city of Bozrah, with his clothing stained red? Who is this in royal robes, marching in the greatness of his strength? "It is I, the LORD, announcing your salvation! It is I, the LORD, who is mighty to save!"
- Why are your clothes so red, as if you have been treading out grapes?
- "I have trodden the winepress alone; no one was there to help me. In my anger I have trampled my enemies as if they were grapes. In my fury I have trampled my foes. It is their blood that has stained my clothes.
- For the time has come for me to avenge my people, to ransom them from their oppressors.
- I looked, but no one came to help my people. I was amazed and appalled at what I saw. So I executed vengeance alone; unaided, I passed down judgment.
2 Chronicles 25:11
- Then Amaziah summoned his courage and led his army to the Valley of Salt, where they killed ten thousand Edomite troops from Seir.
- They captured another ten thousand and took them to the top of a cliff and threw them off, dashing them to pieces on the rocks below.
Amos 1:11
- This is what the LORD says: "The people of Edom have sinned again and again, and I will not forget it. I will not let them go unpunished any longer! They chased down their relatives, the Israelites, with swords. They showed them no mercy and were unrelenting in their anger.
- So I will send down fire on Teman, and the fortresses of Bozrah will be destroyed."
Genesis 17:4
- "This is my covenant with you: I will make you the father of not just one nation, but a multitude of nations!
Obadiah 1:1
- This is the vision that the Sovereign LORD revealed to Obadiah concerning the land of Edom. We have heard a message from the LORD that an ambassador was sent to the nations to say, "Get ready, everyone! Let's assemble our armies and attack Edom!"
- The LORD says, "I will cut you down to size among the nations, Edom; you will be small and despised.
- You are proud because you live in a rock fortress and make your home high in the mountains. `Who can ever reach us way up here?' you ask boastfully. Don't fool yourselves!
- Though you soar as high as eagles and build your nest among the stars, I will bring you crashing down. I, the LORD, have spoken!
- "If thieves came at night and robbed you, they would not take everything. Those who harvest grapes always leave a few for the poor. But your enemies will wipe you out completely!
Ezekiel 35:1
- Again a message came to me from the LORD:
- "Son of man, turn toward Mount Seir, and prophesy against its people.
- Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: I am your enemy, O Mount Seir, and I will raise my fist against you to destroy you completely.
- I will demolish your cities and make you desolate, and then you will know that I am the LORD.
- Your continual hatred for the people of Israel led you to butcher them when they were helpless, when I had already punished them for all their sins.
Genesis 25:27
- As the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the open fields, while Jacob was the kind of person who liked to stay at home.
Genesis 32:6
- The messengers returned with the news that Esau was on his way to meet Jacob--with an army of four hundred men!
Genesis 36:31
- These are the kings who ruled in Edom before there were kings in Israel:
Genesis 33:3
- Then Jacob went on ahead. As he approached his brother, he bowed low seven times before him.
1 Kings 22:47
- There was no king in Edom at that time, only a deputy.