Ezra 8:31 Cross References
Ezra 8:31
31: We broke camp at the Ahava Canal on April 19 and started off to Jerusalem. And the gracious hand of our God protected us and saved us from enemies and bandits along the way.
Ezra 8:15
- I assembled the exiles at the Ahava Canal, and we camped there for three days while I went over the lists of the people and the priests who had arrived. I found that not one Levite had volunteered to come along.
Ezra 8:21
- And there by the Ahava Canal, I gave orders for all of us to fast and humble ourselves before our God. We prayed that he would give us a safe journey and protect us, our children, and our goods as we traveled.
- For I was ashamed to ask the king for soldiers and horsemen to accompany us and protect us from enemies along the way. After all, we had told the king, "Our God protects all those who worship him, but his fierce anger rages against those who abandon him."
Ezra 7:9
- He had left Babylon on April 8 and came to Jerusalem on August 4, for the gracious hand of his God was on him.
Acts 26:22
- But God protected me so that I am still alive today to tell these facts to everyone, from the least to the greatest. I teach nothing except what the prophets and Moses said would happen--
Isaiah 41:10
- Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.
- "See, all your angry enemies lie there, confused and ashamed. Anyone who opposes you will die.
- You will look for them in vain. They will all be gone!
- I am holding you by your right hand--I, the LORD your God. And I say to you, `Do not be afraid. I am here to help you.
- Despised though you are, O Israel, don't be afraid, for I will help you. I am the LORD, your Redeemer. I am the Holy One of Israel.'
Psalms 91:9
- If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter,
- no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your dwelling.
- For he orders his angels to protect you wherever you go.
- They will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.
- You will trample down lions and poisonous snakes; you will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet!
Job 5:19
- He will rescue you again and again so that no evil can touch you.
- He will save you from death in time of famine, from the power of the sword in time of war.
- You will be safe from slander and will have no fear of destruction when it comes.
- You will laugh at destruction and famine; wild animals will not terrify you.
- You will be at peace with the stones of the field, and its wild animals will be at peace with you.
Acts 25:3
- They asked Festus as a favor to transfer Paul to Jerusalem. (Their plan was to waylay and kill him.)
Ezra 7:28
- And praise him for demonstrating such unfailing love to me by honoring me before the king, his council, and all his mighty princes! I felt encouraged because the gracious hand of the LORD my God was on me. And I gathered some of the leaders of Israel to return with me to Jerusalem.