Ezekiel 6:8 Cross References
Ezekiel 6:8
8: "But I will let a few of my people escape destruction, and they will be scattered among the nations of the world.
Ezekiel 14:22
- Yet there will be survivors, and they will come here to join you as exiles in Babylon. You will see with your own eyes how wicked they are, and then you will feel better about what I have done to Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 12:16
- But I will spare a few of them from death by war, famine, or disease, so they can confess to their captors about how wicked they have been. Then they will know that I am the LORD!"
Jeremiah 44:14
- Of those who fled to Egypt with dreams of returning home to Judah, only a handful will escape."
Isaiah 6:13
- Even if only a tenth--a remnant--survive, it will be invaded again and burned. Israel will remain a stump, like a tree that is cut down, but the stump will be a holy seed that will grow again."
Jeremiah 44:28
- "Only a small number will escape death and return to Judah from Egypt. Then all those who came to Egypt will find out whose words are true, mine or theirs!
Jeremiah 30:11
- For I am with you and will save you, says the LORD. I will completely destroy the nations where I have scattered you, but I will not destroy you. But I must discipline you; I cannot let you go unpunished.
Romans 11:5
- It is the same today, for not all the Jews have turned away from God. A few are being saved as a result of God's kindness in choosing them.
- And if they are saved by God's kindness, then it is not by their good works. For in that case, God's wonderful kindness would not be what it really is--free and undeserved.
Ezekiel 7:16
- The few who survive and escape to the mountains will moan like doves, weeping for their sins.
Jeremiah 46:28
- Fear not, Jacob, my servant," says the LORD, "for I am with you. I will destroy the nations to which I have exiled you, but I will not destroy you. But I must discipline you; I cannot let you go unpunished."
Ezekiel 5:2
- Place a third of it at the center of your map of Jerusalem. After acting out the siege, burn it there. Scatter another third across your map and slash at it with a sword. Scatter the last third to the wind, for I will scatter my people with the sword.
Romans 9:27
- Concerning Israel, Isaiah the prophet cried out, "Though the people of Israel are as numerous as the sand on the seashore, only a small number will be saved.
Ezekiel 5:12
- A third of your people will die in the city from famine and disease. A third of them will be slaughtered by the enemy outside the city walls. And I will scatter a third to the winds and chase them with my sword.
Isaiah 27:7
- Has the LORD punished Israel in the same way he has punished her enemies? No, for he devastated her enemies,
- but he has punished Israel only a little. He has exiled her from her land as though blown away in a storm from the east.