Ezekiel 46:13 Cross References
Ezekiel 46:13
13: "Each morning a year-old lamb with no physical defects must be sacrificed as a burnt offering to the LORD.
Isaiah 50:4
- The Sovereign LORD has given me his words of wisdom, so that I know what to say to all these weary ones. Morning by morning he wakens me and opens my understanding to his will.
Numbers 28:10
- This is the whole burnt offering to be presented each Sabbath day, in addition to the regular daily burnt offering and its accompanying drink offering.
Exodus 29:38
- "This is what you are to offer on the altar. Offer two one-year-old lambs each day,
- one in the morning and the other in the evening.
- With one of them, offer two quarts of fine flour mixed with one quart of olive oil; also, offer one quart of wine as a drink offering.
- Offer the other lamb in the evening, along with the same offerings of flour and wine as in the morning. It will be a fragrant offering to the LORD, an offering made by fire.
- "This is to be a daily burnt offering given from generation to generation. Offer it in the LORD's presence at the Tabernacle entrance, where I will meet you and speak with you.
1 Peter 1:19
- He paid for you with the precious lifeblood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.
- God chose him for this purpose long before the world began, but now in these final days, he was sent to the earth for all to see. And he did this for you.
John 1:29
- The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look! There is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
Daniel 8:11
- He even challenged the Commander of heaven's armies by canceling the daily sacrifices offered to him and by destroying his Temple.
- But the army of heaven was restrained from destroying him for this sin. As a result, sacrilege was committed against the Temple ceremonies, and truth was overthrown. The horn succeeded in everything it did.
- Then I heard two of the holy ones talking to each other. One of them said, "How long will the events of this vision last? How long will the rebellion that causes desecration stop the daily sacrifices? How long will the Temple and heaven's armies be trampled on?"
Psalms 92:2
- It is good to proclaim your unfailing love in the morning, your faithfulness in the evening,
Revelation 13:8
- And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast. They are the ones whose names were not written in the Book of Life, which belongs to the Lamb who was killed before the world was made.
Numbers 28:3
- "Say to them: When you present your daily whole burnt offerings to the LORD, you must offer two one-year-old male lambs with no physical defects.
- One lamb will be sacrificed in the morning and the other in the evening.
- With each lamb you must offer a grain offering of two quarts of choice flour mixed with one quart of olive oil.
- This is the regular burnt offering ordained at Mount Sinai, an offering made by fire, very pleasing to the LORD.
- Along with it you must present the proper drink offering, consisting of one quart of fermented drink with each lamb, poured out in the Holy Place as an offering to the LORD.
Exodus 12:5
- This animal must be a one-year-old male, either a sheep or a goat, with no physical defects.
Leviticus 12:6
- "When the time of purification is completed for either a son or a daughter, the woman must bring a year-old lamb for a whole burnt offering and a young pigeon or turtledove for a purification offering. She must take her offerings to the priest at the entrance of the Tabernacle.