Ezekiel 44:17 Cross References
Ezekiel 44:17
17: When they enter the gateway to the inner courtyard, they must wear only linen clothing. They must wear no wool while on duty in the inner courtyard or in the Temple itself.
Revelation 19:8
- She is permitted to wear the finest white linen." (Fine linen represents the good deeds done by the people of God.)
Exodus 39:27
- Tunics were then made for Aaron and his sons from fine linen cloth.
- The turban, the headdresses, and the underclothes were all made of this fine linen.
- The sashes were made of fine linen cloth and embroidered with blue, purple, and scarlet yarn, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Exodus 28:43
- These must be worn whenever Aaron and his sons enter the Tabernacle or approach the altar in the Holy Place to perform their duties. Thus they will not incur guilt and die. This law is permanent for Aaron and his descendants.
Revelation 4:4
- Twenty-four thrones surrounded him, and twenty-four elders sat on them. They were all clothed in white and had gold crowns on their heads.
Exodus 28:39
- "Weave Aaron's patterned tunic from fine linen cloth. Fashion the turban out of this linen as well. Also make him an embroidered sash.
- "Then for Aaron's sons, make tunics, sashes, and headdresses to give them dignity and respect.
Leviticus 16:4
- Then he must wash his entire body and put on his linen tunic and the undergarments worn next to his body. He must tie the linen sash around his waist and put the linen turban on his head. These are his sacred garments.