Ezekiel 43:3 Cross References
Ezekiel 43:3
3: This vision was just like the others I had seen, first by the Kebar River and then when he came to destroy Jerusalem. And I fell down before him with my face in the dust.
Ezekiel 9:5
- Then I heard the LORD say to the other men, "Follow him through the city and kill everyone whose forehead is not marked. Show no mercy; have no pity!
Ezekiel 9:1
- Then the LORD thundered, "Bring on the men appointed to punish the city! Tell them to bring their weapons with them!"
Jeremiah 1:10
- Today I appoint you to stand up against nations and kingdoms. You are to uproot some and tear them down, to destroy and overthrow them. You are to build others up and plant them."
Ezekiel 32:18
- "Son of man, weep for the hordes of Egypt and for the other mighty nations. For I will send them down to the world below in company with those who descend to the pit.
Ezekiel 1:3
- The LORD gave a message to me, Ezekiel son of Buzi, a priest, there beside the Kebar River in the land of the Babylonians, and I felt the hand of the LORD take hold of me.
- As I looked, I saw a great storm coming toward me from the north, driving before it a huge cloud that flashed with lightning and shone with brilliant light. The fire inside the cloud glowed like gleaming amber.
- From the center of the cloud came four living beings that looked human,
- except that each had four faces and two pairs of wings.
- Their legs were straight like human legs, but their feet were split like calves' feet and shone like burnished bronze.
Ezekiel 3:23
- So I got up and went, and there I saw the glory of the LORD, just as I had seen it in my first vision by the Kebar River. And I fell face down in the dust.
Ezekiel 11:22
- Then the cherubim lifted their wings and rose into the air with their wheels beside them, and the glory of the God of Israel hovered above them.
- Then the glory of the LORD went up from the city and stopped above the mountain to the east.
Revelation 11:3
- And I will give power to my two witnesses, and they will be clothed in sackcloth and will prophesy during those 1,260 days."
- These two prophets are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of all the earth.
- If anyone tries to harm them, fire flashes from the mouths of the prophets and consumes their enemies. This is how anyone who tries to harm them must die.
- They have power to shut the skies so that no rain will fall for as long as they prophesy. And they have the power to turn the rivers and oceans into blood, and to send every kind of plague upon the earth as often as they wish.
Ezekiel 10:1
- As I looked, I saw what appeared to be a throne of blue sapphire above the crystal surface over the heads of the cherubim.
- Then the LORD spoke to the man in linen clothing and said, "Go in between the whirling wheels beneath the cherubim, and take a handful of glowing coals and scatter them over the city." He did this as I watched.
- The cherubim were standing at the south end of the Temple when the man went in, and the cloud of glory filled the inner courtyard.
- Then the glory of the LORD rose up from above the cherubim and went over to the door of the Temple. The Temple was filled with this cloud of glory, and the Temple courtyard glowed brightly with the glory of the LORD.
- The moving wings of the cherubim sounded like the voice of God Almighty and could be heard clearly in the outer courtyard.
Ezekiel 9:3
- Then the glory of the God of Israel rose up from between the cherubim, where it had rested, and moved to the entrance of the Temple. And the LORD called to the man dressed in linen who was carrying the writer's case.
Ezekiel 8:4
- Suddenly, the glory of the God of Israel was there, just as I had seen it before in the valley.