Ezekiel 40:5 Cross References
Ezekiel 40:5
5: I could see a wall completely surrounding the Temple area. The man took a measuring rod that was 10 1/2 feet long and measured the wall, and the wall was 10 1/2 feet thick and 10 1/2 feet high.
Ezekiel 42:20
- So the area was 875 feet on each side with a wall all around it to separate the holy places from the common.
Isaiah 26:1
- In that day, everyone in the land of Judah will sing this song: Our city is now strong! We are surrounded by the walls of God's salvation.
Isaiah 60:18
- Violence will disappear from your land; the desolation and destruction of war will end. Salvation will surround you like city walls, and praise will be on the lips of all who enter there.
Psalms 125:2
- Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds and protects his people, both now and forever.
Revelation 21:12
- Its walls were broad and high, with twelve gates guarded by twelve angels. And the names of the twelve tribes of Israel were written on the gates.
Zechariah 2:5
- For I, myself, will be a wall of fire around Jerusalem, says the LORD. And I will be the glory inside the city!'"
Deuteronomy 3:11
- (Incidentally, King Og of Bashan was the last of the giant Rephaites. His iron bed was more than thirteen feet long and six feet wide. It can still be seen in the Ammonite city of Rabbah.)