Ezekiel 34:17 Cross References
Ezekiel 34:17
17: "And as for you, my flock, my people, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will judge between one sheep and another, separating the sheep from the goats.
Matthew 25:32
- All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate them as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
- He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.
Ezekiel 34:20
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: I will surely judge between the fat sheep and the scrawny sheep.
- For you fat sheep push and butt and crowd my sick and hungry flock until they are scattered to distant lands.
- So I will rescue my flock, and they will no longer be abused and destroyed. And I will judge between one sheep and another.
Zechariah 10:3
- "My anger burns against your shepherds, and I will punish these leaders. For the LORD Almighty has arrived to look after his flock of Judah; he will make them strong and glorious, like a proud warhorse in battle.
Ezekiel 20:37
- I will count you carefully and hold you to the terms of the covenant.
- I will purge you of all those who rebel and sin against me. I will bring them out of the countries where they are in exile, but they will never enter the land of Israel. And when that happens, you will know that I am the LORD.