Ezekiel 31:14 Cross References
Ezekiel 31:14
14: Let no other nation proudly exult in its own prosperity, though it be higher than the clouds, for all are doomed. They will land in the pit along with all the proud people of the world.
Ezekiel 26:20
- I will send you to the pit to lie there with those who descended there long ago. Your city will lie in ruins, buried beneath the earth, like those in the pit who have entered the world of the dead. Never again will you be given a position of respect here in the land of the living.
Psalms 82:7
- But in death you are mere men. You will fall as any prince, for all must die.'"
Ezekiel 32:18
- "Son of man, weep for the hordes of Egypt and for the other mighty nations. For I will send them down to the world below in company with those who descend to the pit.
- Say to them, `O Egypt, are you lovelier than the other nations? No! So go down to the pit and lie there among the outcasts.'
- The Egyptians will fall with the many who have died by the sword, for the sword is drawn against them. Egypt will be dragged away to its judgment.
- Down in the grave mighty leaders will mockingly welcome Egypt and its allies, saying, `They have come down; they lie among the outcasts, all victims of the sword.'
- "Assyria lies there surrounded by the graves of all its people, those who were slaughtered by the sword.
Psalms 63:9
- But those plotting to destroy me will come to ruin. They will go down into the depths of the earth.
- They will die by the sword and become the food of jackals.
Hebrews 9:27
- And just as it is destined that each person dies only once and after that comes judgment,
Daniel 5:22
- "You are his successor, O Belshazzar, and you knew all this, yet you have not humbled yourself.
- For you have defied the Lord of heaven and have had these cups from his Temple brought before you. You and your nobles and your wives and concubines have been drinking wine from them while praising gods of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, and stone--gods that neither see nor hear nor know anything at all. But you have not honored the God who gives you the breath of life and controls your destiny!
Ezekiel 31:18
- "O Egypt, to which of the trees of Eden will you compare your strength and glory? You, too, will be brought down to the pit with all these other nations. You will lie there among the outcasts who have died by the sword. This will be the fate of Pharaoh and all his teeming hordes. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken!"
Deuteronomy 21:21
- Then all the men of the town must stone him to death. In this way, you will cleanse this evil from among you, and all Israel will hear about it and be afraid.
1 Corinthians 10:11
- All these events happened to them as examples for us. They were written down to warn us, who live at the time when this age is drawing to a close.
2 Peter 2:6
- Later, he turned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah into heaps of ashes and swept them off the face of the earth. He made them an example of what will happen to ungodly people.
Deuteronomy 13:11
- Then all Israel will hear about it and be afraid, and such wickedness will never again be done among you.
Daniel 4:32
- You will be driven from human society. You will live in the fields with the wild animals, and you will eat grass like a cow. Seven periods of time will pass while you live this way, until you learn that the Most High rules over the kingdoms of the world and gives them to anyone he chooses.'
Nehemiah 13:18
- Wasn't it enough that your ancestors did this sort of thing, so that our God brought the present troubles upon us and our city? Now you are bringing even more wrath upon the people of Israel by permitting the Sabbath to be desecrated in this way!"