Ezekiel 27:3 Cross References
Ezekiel 27:3
3: that mighty gateway to the sea, the trading center of the world. Give Tyre this message from the Sovereign LORD: You claimed, O Tyre, to be perfect in beauty.
Ezekiel 27:4
- You extended your boundaries into the sea. Your builders made you glorious!
Isaiah 23:8
- Who has brought this disaster on Tyre, empire builder and chief trader of the world?
- The LORD Almighty has done it to destroy your pride and show his contempt for all human greatness.
Ezekiel 28:2
- "Son of man, give the prince of Tyre this message from the Sovereign LORD: In your great pride you claim, `I am a god! I sit on a divine throne in the heart of the sea.' But you are only a man and not a god, though you boast that you are like a god.
- You regard yourself as wiser than Daniel and think no secret is hidden from you.
Ezekiel 27:10
- Men from distant Persia, Lydia, and Libya served in your great army. They hung their shields and helmets on your walls, giving you great honor.
- Men from Arvad and from Helech stood on your walls as sentinels. Your towers were manned by men from Gammad. Their shields hung on your walls, perfecting your splendor.
- "Tarshish was your agent, trading your wares in exchange for silver, iron, tin, and lead.
- Merchants from Greece, Tubal, and Meshech brought slaves and bronze dishes.
- From Togarmah came riding horses, chariot horses, and mules. All these things were exchanged for your manufactured goods.
Ezekiel 26:17
- Then they will wail for you, singing this funeral song: `O famous island city, once ruler of the sea, how you have been destroyed! Your people, with their naval power, once spread fear around the world.
Ezekiel 28:12
- "Son of man, weep for the king of Tyre. Give him this message from the Sovereign LORD: You were the perfection of wisdom and beauty.
- You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone--red carnelian, chrysolite, white moonstone, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald--all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created.
- I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire.
- "You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you.
- Your great wealth filled you with violence, and you sinned. So I banished you from the mountain of God. I expelled you, O mighty guardian, from your place among the stones of fire.
Isaiah 23:2
- Mourn in silence, you people of the coast and you merchants of Sidon. Your traders crossed the sea,
- sailing over deep waters. They brought you grain from Egypt and harvests from along the Nile. You were the merchandise mart of the world.
Revelation 18:3
- For all the nations have drunk the wine of her passionate immorality. The rulers of the world have committed adultery with her, and merchants throughout the world have grown rich as a result of her luxurious living."
Psalms 50:2
- From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance.
Revelation 18:11
- The merchants of the world will weep and mourn for her, for there is no one left to buy their goods.
- She bought great quantities of gold, silver, jewels, pearls, fine linen, purple dye, silk, scarlet cloth, every kind of perfumed wood, ivory goods, objects made of expensive wood, bronze, iron, and marble.
- She also bought cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, olive oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses, chariots, and slaves--yes, she even traded in human lives.
- "All the fancy things you loved so much are gone," they cry. "The luxuries and splendor that you prized so much will never be yours again. They are gone forever."
- The merchants who became wealthy by selling her these things will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will weep and cry.
Isaiah 23:11
- The LORD holds out his hand over the seas. He shakes the kingdoms of the earth. He has spoken out against Phoenicia and depleted its strength.