Ezekiel 24:3 Cross References
Ezekiel 24:3
3: Then show these rebels an illustration; give them a message from the Sovereign LORD. Put a pot of water on the fire to boil.
Ezekiel 20:49
- Then I said, "O Sovereign LORD, they are saying of me, `He only talks in riddles!'"
Ezekiel 17:2
- "Son of man, tell this story to the people of Israel.
Ezekiel 11:3
- They say to the people, `Is it not a good time to build houses? Our city is like an iron pot. Inside it we will be like meat--safe from all harm. '
Isaiah 1:2
- Hear, O heavens! Listen, O earth! This is what the LORD says: "The children I raised and cared for have turned against me.
Ezekiel 2:6
- "Son of man, do not fear them. Don't be afraid even though their threats are sharp as thorns and barbed like briers, and they sting like scorpions. Do not be dismayed by their dark scowls. For remember, they are rebels!
Ezekiel 2:3
- "Son of man," he said, "I am sending you to the nation of Israel, a nation that is rebelling against me. Their ancestors have rebelled against me from the beginning, and they are still in revolt to this very day.
Isaiah 30:1
- "Destruction is certain for my rebellious children," says the LORD. "You make plans that are contrary to my will. You weave a web of plans that are not from my Spirit, thus piling up your sins.
Ezekiel 2:8
- Son of man, listen to what I say to you. Do not join them in being a rebel. Open your mouth, and eat what I give you."
Isaiah 30:9
- For these people are stubborn rebels who refuse to pay any attention to the LORD's instructions.
Psalms 78:2
- for I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past--
Ezekiel 24:6
- "Now this is what the Sovereign LORD says: Destruction is certain for Jerusalem, the city of murderers! She is a pot filled with corruption. So take the meat out chunk by chunk in whatever order it comes,
Mark 12:12
- The Jewish leaders wanted to arrest him for using this illustration because they realized he was pointing at them--they were the wicked farmers in his story. But they were afraid to touch him because of the crowds. So they left him and went away.
Luke 8:10
- He replied, "You have been permitted to understand the secrets of the Kingdom of God. But I am using these stories to conceal everything about it from outsiders, so that the Scriptures might be fulfilled: 'They see what I do, but they don't really see; they hear what I say, but they don't understand.'
Jeremiah 1:13
- Then the LORD spoke to me again and asked, "What do you see now?" And I replied, "I see a pot of boiling water, tipping from the north."
Micah 2:4
- In that day your enemies will make fun of you by singing this song of despair about your experience: "We are finished, completely ruined! God has confiscated our land, taking it from us. He has given our fields to those who betrayed us. "
Acts 7:51
- "You stubborn people! You are heathen at heart and deaf to the truth. Must you forever resist the Holy Spirit? But your ancestors did, and so do you!
Ezekiel 19:2
- `What is your mother? A lioness among lions! She lay down among the young lions and reared her cubs.
- She raised one of her cubs to become a strong young lion. He learned to catch and devour prey, and he became a man-eater.
- Then the nations heard about him, and he was trapped in their pit. They led him away in chains to the land of Egypt.
- `When the mother lion saw that all her hopes for him were gone, she took another of her cubs and taught him to be a strong lion.
- He prowled among the other lions and became a leader among them. He learned to catch and devour prey, and he, too, became a man-eater.
Ezekiel 11:11
- No, this city will not be an iron pot for you, and you will not be the meat, safe inside. I will judge you even to the borders of Israel,
Ezekiel 11:7
- "Therefore, this is what the Sovereign LORD says: This city is an iron pot, but the victims of your injustice are the pieces of meat. And you are not safe, for I will soon drag you from the city.
Ezekiel 12:25
- For I am the LORD! What I threaten always happens. There will be no more delays, you rebels of Israel! I will fulfill my threat of destruction in your own lifetime, says the Sovereign LORD."
Ezekiel 17:12
- "Say to these rebels of Israel: Don't you understand the meaning of this riddle of the eagles? I will tell you, says the Sovereign LORD. The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem, took away her king and princes, and brought them to Babylon.
Jeremiah 50:13
- Because of the LORD's anger, Babylon will become a deserted wasteland. All who pass by will be horrified and will gasp at the destruction they see there.
- "Yes, prepare to attack Babylon, all you nations round about. Let your archers shoot at her. Spare no arrows, for she has sinned against the LORD.
Ezekiel 3:9
- I have made you as hard as rock! So don't be afraid of them or fear their angry looks, even though they are such rebels."
Ezekiel 12:2
- "Son of man, you live among rebels who could see the truth if they wanted to, but they don't want to. They could hear me if they would listen, but they won't listen because they are rebellious.
Isaiah 63:10
- But they rebelled against him and grieved his Holy Spirit. That is why he became their enemy and fought against them.