Ezekiel 23:4 Cross References
Ezekiel 23:4
4: The older girl was named Oholah, and her sister was Oholibah. I married them, and they bore me sons and daughters. I am speaking of Samaria and Jerusalem, for Oholah is Samaria and Oholibah is Jerusalem.
Ezekiel 16:8
- And when I passed by and saw you again, you were old enough to be married. So I wrapped my cloak around you to cover your nakedness and declared my marriage vows. I made a covenant with you, says the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine.
1 Kings 12:26
- Jeroboam thought to himself, "Unless I am careful, the kingdom will return to the dynasty of David.
- When they go to Jerusalem to offer sacrifices at the Temple of the LORD, they will again give their allegiance to King Rehoboam of Judah. They will kill me and make him their king instead."
- So on the advice of his counselors, the king made two gold calves. He said to the people, "It is too much trouble for you to worship in Jerusalem. O Israel, these are the gods who brought you out of Egypt!"
- He placed these calf idols at the southern and northern ends of Israel--in Bethel and in Dan.
- This became a great sin, for the people worshiped them, traveling even as far as Dan.
1 Kings 8:29
- May you watch over this Temple both day and night, this place where you have said you would put your name. May you always hear the prayers I make toward this place.
Exodus 19:5
- Now if you will obey me and keep my covenant, you will be my own special treasure from among all the nations of the earth; for all the earth belongs to me.
- And you will be to me a kingdom of priests, my holy nation.' Give this message to the Israelites."
Psalms 45:11
- For your royal husband delights in your beauty; honor him, for he is your lord.
- The princes of Tyre will shower you with gifts. People of great wealth will entreat your favor.
- The bride, a princess, waits within her chamber, dressed in a gown woven with gold.
- In her beautiful robes, she is led to the king, accompanied by her bridesmaids.
- What a joyful, enthusiastic procession as they enter the king's palace!
Ezekiel 16:40
- They will band together in a mob to stone you and run you through with swords.
Romans 7:4
- So this is the point: The law no longer holds you in its power, because you died to its power when you died with Christ on the cross. And now you are united with the one who was raised from the dead. As a result, you can produce good fruit, that is, good deeds for God.
1 Kings 12:20
- When the people of Israel learned of Jeroboam's return from Egypt, they called an assembly and made him king over all Israel. So only the tribe of Judah remained loyal to the family of David.
Jeremiah 2:2
- "Go and shout in Jerusalem's streets: `This is what the LORD says: I remember how eager you were to please me as a young bride long ago, how you loved me and followed me even through the barren wilderness.
- In those days Israel was holy to the LORD, the first of my children. All who harmed my people were considered guilty, and disaster fell upon them. I, the LORD, have spoken!'"
John 4:22
- You Samaritans know so little about the one you worship, while we Jews know all about him, for salvation comes through the Jews.
Psalms 132:13
- For the LORD has chosen Jerusalem; he has desired it as his home.
- "This is my home where I will live forever," he said. "I will live here, for this is the place I desired.
Ezekiel 16:20
- "Then you took your sons and daughters--the children you had borne to me--and sacrificed them to your gods. Was it not enough that you should be a prostitute?
Psalms 76:2
- Jerusalem is where he lives; Mount Zion is his home.