Ezekiel 23:26 Cross References
Ezekiel 23:26
26: They will strip you of your beautiful clothes and jewels.
Ezekiel 16:39
- Then I will give you to your lovers--these many nations--and they will destroy you. They will knock down your pagan shrines and the altars to your idols. They will strip you and take your beautiful jewels, leaving you completely naked and ashamed.
Jeremiah 13:22
- You may ask yourself, "Why is all this happening to me?" It is because of your many sins! That is why you have been raped and destroyed by invading armies.
Ezekiel 23:29
- They will deal with you in hatred and rob you of all you own, leaving you naked and bare. The shame of your prostitution will be exposed to all the world.
Hosea 2:3
- If she doesn't, I will strip her as naked as she was on the day she was born. I will leave her to die of thirst, as in a desert or a dry and barren wilderness.
Ezekiel 16:37
- this is what I am going to do. I will gather together all your allies--these lovers of yours with whom you have sinned, both those you loved and those you hated--and I will strip you naked in front of them so they can stare at you.
Revelation 18:14
- "All the fancy things you loved so much are gone," they cry. "The luxuries and splendor that you prized so much will never be yours again. They are gone forever."
- The merchants who became wealthy by selling her these things will stand at a distance, terrified by her great torment. They will weep and cry.
- "How terrible, how terrible for that great city! She was so beautiful--like a woman clothed in finest purple and scarlet linens, decked out with gold and precious stones and pearls!
- And in one single moment all the wealth of the city is gone!" And all the shipowners and captains of the merchant ships and their crews will stand at a distance.
Revelation 17:16
- The scarlet beast and his ten horns--which represent ten kings who will reign with him--all hate the prostitute. They will strip her naked, eat her flesh, and burn her remains with fire.
1 Peter 3:3
- Don't be concerned about the outward beauty that depends on fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes.
- You should be known for the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.
Hosea 2:9
- "But now I will take back the wine and ripened grain I generously provided each harvest season. I will take away the linen and wool clothing I gave her to cover her nakedness.
- I will strip her naked in public, while all her lovers look on. No one will be able to rescue her from my hands.
Isaiah 3:17
- The Lord will send a plague of scabs to ornament their heads. Yes, the LORD will make them bald for all to see!
- The Lord will strip away their artful beauty--their ornaments, headbands, and crescent necklaces;
- their earrings, bracelets, and veils of shimmering gauze.
- Gone will be their scarves, ankle chains, sashes, perfumes, and charms;
- their rings, jewels,
Ezekiel 16:16
- You used the lovely things I gave you to make shrines for idols, where you carried out your acts of prostitution. Unbelievable! How could such a thing ever happen?