Ezekiel 22:4 Cross References
Ezekiel 22:4
4: you are guilty of both murder and idolatry. Your day of destruction has come! You have reached the end of your years. I will make you an object of mockery throughout the world.
2 Kings 21:16
- Manasseh also murdered many innocent people until Jerusalem was filled from one end to the other with innocent blood. This was in addition to the sin that he caused the people of Judah to commit, leading them to do evil in the LORD's sight.
Ezekiel 5:14
- "So I will turn you into a ruin, a mockery in the eyes of the surrounding nations and to everyone who travels by.
- You will become an object of mockery and taunting and horror. You will be a warning to all the nations around you. They will see what happens when the LORD turns against a nation in furious rebuke. I, the LORD, have spoken!
Ezekiel 22:2
- "Son of man, are you ready to judge Jerusalem? Are you ready to judge this city of murderers? Denounce her terrible deeds in public,
Ezekiel 16:57
- But now your greater wickedness has been exposed to all the world, and you are the one who is scorned--by Edom and all her neighbors and by Philistia.
Psalms 44:13
- You have caused all our neighbors to mock us. We are an object of scorn and derision to the nations around us.
- You have made us the butt of their jokes; we are scorned by the whole world.
Matthew 23:32
- Go ahead. Finish what they started.
- Snakes! Sons of vipers! How will you escape the judgment of hell?
Psalms 79:4
- We are mocked by our neighbors, an object of scorn and derision to those around us.
Jeremiah 44:8
- Why arouse my anger by burning incense to the idols you have made here in Egypt? You will only destroy yourselves and make yourselves an object of cursing and mockery for all the nations of the earth.
Ezekiel 21:28
- "And now, son of man, prophesy concerning the Ammonites and their mockery. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: My sword is drawn for your slaughter; it is sharpened to destroy, flashing like lightning!
1 Kings 9:7
- then I will uproot the people of Israel from this land I have given them. I will reject this Temple that I have set apart to honor my name. I will make Israel an object of mockery and ridicule among the nations.
Deuteronomy 29:24
- The surrounding nations will ask, `Why has the LORD done this to his land? Why was he so angry?'
1 Thessalonians 2:16
- by trying to keep us from preaching the Good News to the Gentiles, for fear some might be saved. By doing this, they continue to pile up their sins. But the anger of God has caught up with them at last.
Deuteronomy 28:37
- You will become an object of horror, a proverb and a mockery among all the nations to which the LORD sends you.
2 Chronicles 7:20
- then I will uproot the people of Israel from this land of mine that I have given them. I will reject this Temple that I have set apart to honor my name. I will make it a spectacle of contempt among the nations.
Psalms 89:41
- Everyone who comes along has robbed him while his neighbors mock.
- You have strengthened his enemies against him and made them all rejoice.
Lamentations 2:15
- All who pass by jeer at you. They scoff and insult Jerusalem, saying, "Is this the city called `Most Beautiful in All the World' and `Joy of All the Earth'?"
- All your enemies deride you. They scoff and grind their teeth and say, "We have destroyed her at last! Long have we awaited this day, and it is finally here!"
Leviticus 26:32
- Yes, I myself will devastate your land. Your enemies who come to occupy it will be utterly shocked at the destruction they see.
Daniel 9:16
- In view of all your faithful mercies, Lord, please turn your furious anger away from your city of Jerusalem, your holy mountain. All the neighboring nations mock Jerusalem and your people because of our sins and the sins of our ancestors.
Jeremiah 24:9
- I will make them an object of horror and evil to every nation on earth. They will be disgraced and mocked, taunted and cursed, wherever I send them.
Numbers 32:14
- But here you are, a brood of sinners, doing exactly the same thing! You are making the LORD even angrier with Israel.
Jeremiah 18:16
- Therefore, their land will become desolate, a monument to their stupidity. All who pass by will be astonished and shake their heads in amazement at its utter desolation.