Ezekiel 21:28 Cross References
Ezekiel 21:28
28: "And now, son of man, prophesy concerning the Ammonites and their mockery. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: My sword is drawn for your slaughter; it is sharpened to destroy, flashing like lightning!
Ezekiel 21:9
- "Son of man, give the people this message from the LORD: A sword is being sharpened and polished.
- It is being prepared for terrible slaughter; it will flash like lightning! Now will you laugh? Those far stronger than you have fallen beneath its power!
Ezekiel 21:20
- one road going to Ammon and its capital, Rabbah, and the other to Judah and fortified Jerusalem.
Zephaniah 2:8
- "I have heard the taunts of the people of Moab and Ammon, mocking my people and invading their borders.
- Now, as surely as I live," says the LORD Almighty, the God of Israel, "Moab and Ammon will be destroyed as completely as Sodom and Gomorrah. Their land will become a place of stinging nettles, salt pits, and eternal desolation. Those of my people who are left will plunder them and take their land."
- They will receive the wages of their pride, for they have scoffed at the people of the LORD Almighty.
Ezekiel 25:2
- "Son of man, look toward the land of Ammon and prophesy against its people.
- Give the Ammonites this message from the Sovereign LORD: Hear the word of the Sovereign LORD! Because you scoffed when my Temple was desecrated, mocked Israel in her desolation, and laughed at Judah as she went away into exile,
- I will allow nomads from the eastern deserts to overrun your country. They will set up their camps among you and pitch their tents on your land. They will harvest all your fruit and steal your livestock.
- And I will turn the city of Rabbah into a pasture for camels, and all the land of the Ammonites into an enclosure for sheep. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
- "And the Sovereign LORD says: Because you clapped and stamped and cheered with glee at the destruction of my people,
Jeremiah 49:1
- This message was given concerning the Ammonites. This is what the LORD says: "What are you doing? Are there no descendants of Israel to inherit the land of Gad? Why are you, who worship Molech, living in its towns?
- I will punish you for this," says the LORD, "by destroying your city of Rabbah. It will become a desolate heap, and the neighboring towns will be burned. Then Israel will come and take back the land you took from her," says the LORD.
- "Cry out, O Heshbon, for the town of Ai is destroyed. Weep, O people of Rabbah! Put on your clothes of mourning. Weep and wail, hiding in the hedges, for your god Molech will be exiled along with his princes and priests.
- You are proud of your fertile valleys, but they will soon be ruined. You rebellious daughter, you trusted in your wealth and thought no one could ever harm you.
- But look! I will bring terror upon you," says the Lord, the LORD Almighty. "Your neighbors will chase you from your land, and no one will help your exiles as they flee.
Jeremiah 12:12
- Destroying armies plunder the land. The sword of the LORD kills people from one end of the nation to the other. No one will escape!
Amos 1:13
- This is what the LORD says: "The people of Ammon have sinned again and again, and I will not forget it. I will not let them go unpunished any longer! When they attacked Gilead to extend their borders, they committed cruel crimes, ripping open pregnant women with their swords.
- So I will send down fire on the walls of Rabbah, and all its fortresses will be destroyed. There will be wild shouts during the battle, swirling like a whirlwind in a mighty storm.
- And their king and his princes will go into exile together. I, the LORD, have spoken!"