Ezekiel 14:14 Cross References
Ezekiel 14:14
14: Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves, declares the Sovereign LORD.
Ezekiel 28:3
- You regard yourself as wiser than Daniel and think no secret is hidden from you.
Ezekiel 14:20
- Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were living there, the Sovereign LORD swears that they could not save the people. They alone would be saved by their righteousness.
Jeremiah 15:1
- Then the LORD said to me, "Even if Moses and Samuel stood before me pleading for these people, I wouldn't help them. Away with them! Get them out of my sight!
Job 1:1
- There was a man named Job who lived in the land of Uz. He was blameless, a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil.
Job 42:8
- Now take seven young bulls and seven rams and go to my servant Job and offer a burnt offering for yourselves. My servant Job will pray for you, and I will accept his prayer on your behalf. I will not treat you as you deserve, for you have not been right in what you said about me, as my servant Job was."
- So Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite did as the LORD commanded them, and the LORD accepted Job's prayer.
Hebrews 11:7
- It was by faith that Noah built an ark to save his family from the flood. He obeyed God, who warned him about something that had never happened before. By his faith he condemned the rest of the world and was made right in God's sight.
Genesis 7:1
- Finally, the day came when the LORD said to Noah, "Go into the boat with all your family, for among all the people of the earth, I consider you alone to be righteous.
Daniel 10:11
- And the man said to me, "O Daniel, greatly loved of God, listen carefully to what I have to say to you. Stand up, for I have been sent to you." When he said this to me, I stood up, still trembling with fear.
Genesis 6:8
- But Noah found favor with the LORD.
Job 1:5
- When these celebrations ended--and sometimes they lasted several days--Job would purify his children. He would get up early in the morning and offer a burnt offering for each of them. For Job said to himself, "Perhaps my children have sinned and have cursed God in their hearts." This was Job's regular practice.
Ezekiel 14:16
- Even if these three men were there, the Sovereign LORD swears that it would do no good--it wouldn't save the people from destruction. Those three alone would be saved, but the land would be devastated.
2 Peter 2:9
- So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while punishing the wicked right up until the day of judgment.
Ezekiel 14:18
- Even if these three men were in the land, the Sovereign LORD swears that they could not save the people. They alone would be saved.
Daniel 9:21
- As I was praying, Gabriel, whom I had seen in the earlier vision, came swiftly to me at the time of the evening sacrifice.
Ezekiel 18:20
- The one who sins is the one who dies. The child will not be punished for the parent's sins, and the parent will not be punished for the child's sins. Righteous people will be rewarded for their own goodness, and wicked people will be punished for their own wickedness.
Jeremiah 14:11
- Then the LORD said to me, "Do not pray for these people anymore.
- When they fast in my presence, I will pay no attention. When they present their burnt offerings and grain offerings to me, I will not accept them. In return, I will give them only war, famine, and disease."
Jeremiah 11:14
- "Pray no more for these people, Jeremiah. Do not weep or pray for them, for I will not listen to them when they cry out to me in distress.
Jeremiah 7:16
- "Pray no more for these people, Jeremiah. Do not weep or pray for them, and don't beg me to help them, for I will not listen to you.
Genesis 8:20
- Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and sacrificed on it the animals and birds that had been approved for that purpose.
- And the LORD was pleased with the sacrifice and said to himself, "I will never again curse the earth, destroying all living things, even though people's thoughts and actions are bent toward evil from childhood.
Proverbs 11:4
- Riches won't help on the day of judgment, but right living is a safeguard against death.
Daniel 1:6
- Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were four of the young men chosen, all from the tribe of Judah.