Exodus 9:23 Cross References
Exodus 9:23
23: So Moses lifted his staff toward the sky, and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and lightning struck the earth. The LORD sent a tremendous hailstorm against all the land of Egypt.
Revelation 8:7
- The first angel blew his trumpet, and hail and fire mixed with blood were thrown down upon the earth, and one-third of the earth was set on fire. One-third of the trees were burned, and all the grass was burned.
Psalms 18:13
- The LORD thundered from heaven; the Most High gave a mighty shout.
Ezekiel 38:22
- I will punish you and your hordes with disease and bloodshed; I will send torrential rain, hailstones, fire, and burning sulfur!
Isaiah 30:30
- And the LORD will make his majestic voice heard. With angry indignation he will bring down his mighty arm on his enemies. It will descend with devouring flames, with cloudbursts, thunderstorms, and huge hailstones, bringing their destruction.
Joshua 10:11
- As the Amorites retreated down the road from Beth-horon, the LORD destroyed them with a terrible hailstorm that continued until they reached Azekah. The hail killed more of the enemy than the Israelites killed with the sword.
Revelation 16:21
- There was a terrible hailstorm, and hailstones weighing seventy-five pounds fell from the sky onto the people below. They cursed God because of the hailstorm, which was a very terrible plague.
Psalms 78:47
- He destroyed their grapevines with hail and shattered their sycamores with sleet.
- He abandoned their cattle to the hail, their livestock to bolts of lightning.
Psalms 148:8
- fire and hail, snow and storm, wind and weather that obey him,
Psalms 105:32
- Instead of rain, he sent murderous hail, and flashes of lightning overwhelmed the land.
- He ruined their grapevines and fig trees and shattered all the trees.
Psalms 77:18
- Your thunder roared from the whirlwind; the lightning lit up the world! The earth trembled and shook.
Revelation 16:18
- Then the thunder crashed and rolled, and lightning flashed. And there was an earthquake greater than ever before in human history.
Job 37:1
- "My heart pounds as I think of this. It leaps within me.
- Listen carefully to the thunder of God's voice as it rolls from his mouth.
- It rolls across the heavens, and his lightning flashes out in every direction.
- Then comes the roaring of the thunder--the tremendous voice of his majesty. He does not restrain the thunder when he speaks.
- God's voice is glorious in the thunder. We cannot comprehend the greatness of his power.
Exodus 19:16
- On the morning of the third day, there was a powerful thunder and lightning storm, and a dense cloud came down upon the mountain. There was a long, loud blast from a ram's horn, and all the people trembled.
Job 38:22
- "Have you visited the treasuries of the snow? Have you seen where the hail is made and stored?
- I have reserved it for the time of trouble, for the day of battle and war.
Exodus 20:18
- When the people heard the thunder and the loud blast of the horn, and when they saw the lightning and the smoke billowing from the mountain, they stood at a distance, trembling with fear.
Psalms 29:3
- The voice of the LORD echoes above the sea. The God of glory thunders. The LORD thunders over the mighty sea.
1 Samuel 12:17
- You know that it does not rain at this time of the year during the wheat harvest. I will ask the LORD to send thunder and rain today. Then you will realize how wicked you have been in asking the LORD for a king!"
- So Samuel called to the LORD, and the LORD sent thunder and rain. And all the people were terrified of the LORD and of Samuel.