Exodus 5:6 Cross References
Exodus 5:6
6: That same day Pharaoh sent this order to the slave drivers and foremen he had set over the people of Israel:
Exodus 5:19
- Since Pharaoh would not let up on his demands, the Israelite foremen could see that they were in serious trouble.
Exodus 5:10
- So the slave drivers and foremen informed the people: "Pharaoh has ordered us not to provide straw for you.
Exodus 5:13
- The slave drivers were brutal. "Meet your daily quota of bricks, just as you did before!" they demanded.
- Then they whipped the Israelite foremen in charge of the work crews. "Why haven't you met your quotas either yesterday or today?" they demanded.
- So the Israelite foremen went to Pharaoh and pleaded with him. "Please don't treat us like this," they begged.
Exodus 1:11
- So the Egyptians made the Israelites their slaves and put brutal slave drivers over them, hoping to wear them down under heavy burdens. They forced them to build the cities of Pithom and Rameses as supply centers for the king.
Deuteronomy 16:18
- "Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in all the towns the LORD your God is giving you. They will judge the people fairly throughout the land.
Joshua 24:1
- Then Joshua summoned all the people of Israel to Shechem, along with their elders, leaders, judges, and officers. So they came and presented themselves to God.
Joshua 8:33
- Then all the Israelites--foreigners and citizens alike--along with the leaders, officers, and judges, were divided into two groups. One group stood at the foot of Mount Gerizim, the other at the foot of Mount Ebal. Each group faced the other, and between them stood the Levitical priests carrying the Ark of the LORD's covenant. This was all done according to the instructions Moses, the servant of the LORD, had given for blessing the people of Israel.
Proverbs 12:10
- The godly are concerned for the welfare of their animals, but even the kindness of the wicked is cruel.
Numbers 11:16
- Then the LORD said to Moses, "Summon before me seventy of the leaders of Israel. Bring them to the Tabernacle to stand there with you.
Exodus 3:7
- Then the LORD told him, "You can be sure I have seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard their cries for deliverance from their harsh slave drivers. Yes, I am aware of their suffering.
2 Chronicles 26:11
- Uzziah had an army of well-trained warriors, ready to march into battle, unit by unit. This great army of fighting men had been mustered and organized by Jeiel, the secretary of the army, and his assistant, Maaseiah. They were under the direction of Hananiah, one of the king's officials.
Joshua 24:4
- To Isaac I gave Jacob and Esau. To Esau I gave the hill country of Seir, while Jacob and his children went down into Egypt.
Deuteronomy 1:15
- So I took the wise and respected men you had selected from your tribes and appointed them to serve as judges and officials over you. Some were responsible for a thousand people, some for a hundred, some for fifty, and some for ten.