Exodus 34:25 Cross References
Exodus 34:25
25: "You must not offer bread made with yeast as a sacrifice to me. And none of the meat of the Passover lamb may be kept over until the following morning.
Exodus 23:18
- "Sacrificial blood must never be offered together with bread that has yeast in it. And no sacrificial fat may be left unoffered until the next morning.
Exodus 12:10
- Do not leave any of it until the next day. Whatever is not eaten that night must be burned before morning.
1 Corinthians 5:7
- Remove this wicked person from among you so that you can stay pure. Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed for us.
- So let us celebrate the festival, not by eating the old bread of wickedness and evil, but by eating the new bread of purity and truth.
Exodus 12:8
- That evening everyone must eat roast lamb with bitter herbs and bread made without yeast.
Numbers 9:12
- They must not leave any of the lamb until the next morning, and they must not break any of its bones. They must follow all the normal regulations concerning the Passover.
Exodus 29:34
- If any of the ordination meat or bread remains until the morning, it must be burned. It may not be eaten, for it is holy.
Leviticus 7:15
- The animal's meat must be eaten on the same day it is offered. None of it may be saved for the next morning.
Deuteronomy 16:3
- Eat it with bread made without yeast. For seven days eat only bread made without yeast, as you did when you escaped from Egypt in such a hurry. Eat this bread--the bread of suffering--so that you will remember the day you departed from Egypt as long as you live.
Exodus 12:20
- I repeat, during those days you must not eat anything made with yeast. Wherever you live, eat only bread that has no yeast in it."