Exodus 32:22 Cross References
Exodus 32:22
22: "Don't get upset, sir," Aaron replied. "You yourself know these people and what a wicked bunch they are.
Deuteronomy 9:24
- Yes, you have been rebelling against the LORD as long as I have known you.
1 Samuel 15:24
- Then Saul finally admitted, "Yes, I have sinned. I have disobeyed your instructions and the LORD's command, for I was afraid of the people and did what they demanded.
Exodus 14:11
- Then they turned against Moses and complained, "Why did you bring us out here to die in the wilderness? Weren't there enough graves for us in Egypt? Why did you make us leave?
Exodus 15:24
- Then the people turned against Moses. "What are we going to drink?" they demanded.
Exodus 16:20
- But, of course, some of them didn't listen and kept some of it until morning. By then it was full of maggots and had a terrible smell. And Moses was very angry with them.
Psalms 36:4
- They lie awake at night, hatching sinful plots. Their course of action is never good. They make no attempt to turn from evil.
Exodus 16:28
- "How long will these people refuse to obey my commands and instructions?" the LORD asked Moses.
Exodus 17:2
- So once more the people grumbled and complained to Moses. "Give us water to drink!" they demanded. "Quiet!" Moses replied. "Why are you arguing with me? And why are you testing the LORD?"
- But tormented by thirst, they continued to complain, "Why did you ever take us out of Egypt? Why did you bring us here? We, our children, and our livestock will all die!"
- Then Moses pleaded with the LORD, "What should I do with these people? They are about to stone me!"
Deuteronomy 9:7
- "Remember how angry you made the LORD your God out in the wilderness. From the day you left Egypt until now, you have constantly rebelled against him.
Deuteronomy 31:27
- For I know how rebellious and stubborn you are. Even now, while I am still with you, you have rebelled against the LORD. How much more rebellious will you be after my death!
Exodus 16:2
- There, too, the whole community of Israel spoke bitterly against Moses and Aaron.
- "Oh, that we were back in Egypt," they moaned. "It would have been better if the LORD had killed us there! At least there we had plenty to eat. But now you have brought us into this desert to starve us to death."
- Then the LORD said to Moses, "Look, I'm going to rain down food from heaven for you. The people can go out each day and pick up as much food as they need for that day. I will test them in this to see whether they will follow my instructions.
Proverbs 4:16
- for evil people cannot sleep until they have done their evil deed for the day. They cannot rest unless they have caused someone to stumble.